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This is a Llama-3 land now, cowboys!

GGUF-IQ-Imatrix quants for NLPark/Test0_SLIDE. Presets here.

Use the latest version of KoboldCpp. Use the provided presets.
This is all still highly experimental, let the authors know how it performs for you, feedback is more important than ever now.

Original model information:


Shi-Ci Language Identify & Decode Expositor

8B, Ruozhiba...

Chinese Released as an early preview of our v3 LLMs. The v3 series covers the "Shi-Ci", "AnFeng" and "Cecilia" LLM products. The sizes are labelled from small to large "Nano" "Leap" "Pattern" "Avocet "Robin" "Kestrel"

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8.03B params
Unable to determine this model's library. Check the docs .