Chaotic alignment - Models

by Lewdiculous - opened
LWDCLS Research org

@Nitral-AI @jeiku

I woke up for now.

Just so I know what I'm looking at, what models should be quant'ed so far?

Lewdiculous changed discussion title from Chaotic alignment. to Chaotic alignment - Models

We're still working on new methods. Nitral is merging in some different models. My orpo is um, a bit underwhelming, but I'm working on improvements.

Ignore everything im working on at the moment. Probably going to abandon all of them in favor of a stock merge once i have my recipe figured out. Will ping if anything changes!

Using other people's finetunes to gather information on what datasets i want to use for a full ft down the line here as well.

LWDCLS Research org

Of course. That's the way.

Lewdiculous changed discussion status to closed

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