Does anyone know how to use this model in comfui?
Does anyone know how to use this model in comfui?I have seen the announcement on Githup that comfui is supported, but no relevant instructions were found.
@SDDian , you may try
You can download the comfy UI support for Kolors via the manager if you have the comfy UI mananger installed, after installing, go to your custom-installed nodes folder in your comfy UI installation, you will find the "ComfyUI-Kolors-MZ" folder in your custom nodes folder, there will be an examples folder and two pngs in it, you can drop a .png into your comfy UI directly and it will magically set up the proper settings, ( comfy reads into .png files for workspace setups. That should work just fine, I have included the file here but it may not work if this website re-encodes the uploads ( that is typical, word press does it. )
First of all, thank you for your replies. I have successfully used the Kolors model in comfui, but after a simple test, I found that the graph generation ability of the Kolors model is not very good