
by JacobHenry - opened

Dear Hugging Face Community,

Jan Bausback and me are currently studying Leadership in Digital Innovation at the University of Arts in Berlin.
In our recent course on AI and Creativity we coded a little sth in VS Code using the Open AI API via Langchain to extract information from work calendars by exporting them to csv files and prompting GPT to recommend conversation starters based on possible matching between several calendars.
This could be used in the often awkward start of virtual meetings, in order to avoid silence and kickstart the meeting in an inspiring and employee-connecting way.

Feedback and improvements are welcome!

Challenges that occured:

  • the number of tokens that the model can handle is quite limited, maybe this is due to the Langchain-Integration? Implying, that the direct use of the OpenAI-API would be more efficient, also cost-wise?
  • To be continued ...

See our Github Repository here:

JacobHenry changed discussion title from Challenge to Introduction

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