My experiment training a ResNet-inspired model for image classification using PyTorch.
Key terms: distributed training, residual layers, convolutional layers, batch normalization, dropout, pooling, SGD, label smoothing, learning rate scheduling, early stopping, data augmentation.
Training time was approximately 10 hours (108 epochs) using distributed training across university server GPUs.
MIT MiniPlaces Dataset: Contains 100,000 training images, 10,000 validation images, and 10,000 testing images across 100 scene categories. Each image is 128x128 pixels.
I implemented a 13-layer ResNet-inspired model for image classification. The architecture consists of:
- Initial convolutional layer with 64 filters, followed by batch normalization, max pooling, and dropout
- 3 stages of residual blocks, each with 4 convolutional layers
- Each residual block has two 3x3 convolutional layers with batch normalization and dropout
- The number of filters increases from 64 in the first stage, to 128, 256, and 512 in the later stages
- Global average pooling and dropout before a final fully connected layer
The total number of trainable model parameters is 29,678,180.
The training setup used a distributed training approach, with early stopping to prevent overfitting. Data augmentation techniques were applied to the training and validation sets. An SGD optimizer with label smoothing was used, along with a ReduceLROnPlateau learning rate scheduler.
Best model checkpoint results (epoch 108):
- Training Loss: 2.3231, Training Accuracy: 53.02%
- Validation Loss: 2.3426, Validation Accuracy: 54.09%
- Top-5 Validation Accuracy: 81.34%
Achieving a Top-1 accuracy of 54.09% and Top-5 accuracy of 81.34%