3D Visualization based on Generated RGB-D Image

by sammysun0711 - opened

Hi, first of all, thanks for sharing latest 3d image generation tech for open source community. I found result are very impressive!
Could you please kindly share how to visualize result in 3D based on generated RGB-D image?

Intel org

Hi @sammysun0711
We are working on that :)
We will make a hugging face space public hopefully soon!

Hi @sammysun0711
We are working on that :)
We will make a hugging face space public hopefully soon!

Awesome, looking forward to hugging face space for 3d visualization!

@estellea May I know if there is any update about 3d visualization? Thanks!

Hi @sammysun0711 !
We are working on it
As soon as it will be ready I will let you know :)

I forgot to follow on this one
For the HF space : https://huggingface.co/spaces/Intel/ldm3d

Closing this discussion :)

estellea changed discussion status to closed

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