Added configuration for Auto models in downstream tasks


Enabled initializing the model as a TokenClassification or SequenceClassification model for use in a downstream task.

Now using

model = AutoModelForTokenClassification.from_pretrained(model, trust_remote_code=True)


model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model, trust_remote_code=True)

works, as it does for the NT-V1 models.

Was this functionality left out intentionally? I have tested this change with a fine-tuning Token Classification task with LoRa and seems to work fine.
If this change is desired, it should be integrated in all other NT-V2 models.


carlesonielfa changed pull request title from Update config.json to Added configuration for Auto models in downstream tasks
InstaDeep Ltd org

Hello @carlesonielfa ,

Good catch, this was not left out intentionallly. Since NT-v1 are actually based on HuggingFace's ESM official implementation, the TokenClassification and SequenceClassification were by default enabled but I forgot to add it to the NT-v2 models.

I will be adding this to all other NT-v2 models.
Cheers !

hdallatorre changed pull request status to merged

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