Why navit version slower than normal version?

by VictorSanh HF staff - opened
HuggingFaceM4 org

Reposting this discussion from @yuzaa because I deleted the debug repo they create this question from:

I found that the forward speed of the navit version is twice as slow at the same resolution. (GPU: A800)

import torch
from transformers import AutoModel
base = AutoModel.from_pretrained("HuggingFaceM4/siglip-so400m-14-384-flash-attn2", trust_remote_code=True)
navit = AutoModel.from_pretrained("HuggingFaceM4/siglip-so400m-14-980-flash-attn2-navit", trust_remote_code=True)

base_vision = base.vision_model

navit_vision = navit.vision_model

pixel_values = torch.randn(1, 3, 384, 384).bfloat16().cuda()

# %%time
for i in range(100):
    x = base_vision(pixel_values)

# CPU times: user 1.21 s, sys: 12.4 ms, total: 1.22 s
# Wall time: 1.22 s

# %%time
for i in range(100):
    x = navit_vision(pixel_values)

# CPU times: user 2.63 s, sys: 36.3 ms, total: 2.66 s
# Wall time: 2.66 s
HuggingFaceM4 org

I don't quite know yet, will dig in this week. there should not be such a speed overhead...

Note that this model has not been trained yet after the position embedding have been interpolated and the navit style handling of images introduced.

HuggingFaceM4 org
edited Mar 7

So it looks like the flash_attn_varlen_func and flash_attn_func paths of flash attention 2 (one requires an attention mask, the other one is the behavior when no attention mask is passed) have different speeds.
the call to _upad_input is expensive when passing the attention_mask
i am fixing this now

VictorSanh changed discussion status to closed

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