Upload Baka-Diffusion[General].

by Hosioka - opened

There are a few issues with this. namely I cannot use latest diffusers version to convert this checkpoint to diffusers format. Diffusers==0.10.2 worked but There were deprecation warnings. Other than that if the diffuser format is foldered, then the Inference API on HuggingFace no longer works. As well as download counter. So I'm left with messy confusing page for Files and versions. HuggingFace please fix! (I just want to folder my things neatly man)

The checkpoint in this case is Baka-Diffusion[General].

@patrickvonplaten Could you take a look at this? I have no clue why current diffusers fail on me when converting.
This is the script I used

Hey I have a converter script that might work if you need it, i dont want to advertise it but i's based on HF diffusers


my apologies for the late reply, I've been busy as shit irl.

I will just merge this PR in a few days.

Hosioka changed pull request status to merged

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