Chatbot-ASK-Question-about-your-PDF-file is a conversational AI model designed to interact with users and answer questions based on the content of uploaded PDF documents. The bot leverages the power of the LangChain library and OpenAI's GPT-3.5-turbo language model to facilitate seamless interaction with the document's content.
Model Description The Chatbot-ASK-Question-about-your-PDF-file enables users to upload PDF files, which are then processed to allow the model to understand and answer questions related to the content. Whether it's about summarizing sections, extracting specific details, or answering complex queries, this model generates conversational responses in real-time, making it easy for users to extract valuable insights from their documents.
# Set API Key :In script, define my_key = 'Your OpenAI API Key from the OpenAI website'.
# Install requirements and Import libraries (langchain, ChatOpenAI,OpenAIEmbeddings,RetrievalQA, ConversationalRetrievalChain,ConversationBufferMemory,haracterTextSplitter, RecursiveCharacterTextSplitter,....)
# Load documents
# Split documents
# Define embedding
# Create vector database from data
# Define retriever
# Create a chatbot chain. Memory is managed externally.
1-Uploade your file in configure section 2-Ask question in conversation section. 3-Refer to chat history and database for more clarification.