How to run the server?

by raymondyux - opened


I have cloned the package to a folder and moved it to the folder. However, how do I start the server? I have use the mac terminal with "./run start", but it showed "zsh: no such file or directory: ./run"

I am a newbie, could you help me with the issue?


Thank you for reaching out.

We moved the project to the following huggingface page:

Please, follow the instructions for the new one:

git clone
cd pdf-document-layout-analysis

With GPU support:

make start

Without GPU support [if you do not have a GPU on your system]

make start_no_gpu

Get the segments of a PDF:

curl -X POST -F 'file=@/PATH/TO/PDF/pdf_name.pdf' localhost:5060

To stop the server

make stop

Thank you

raymondyux changed discussion status to closed

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