Question regarding outptus

by VinayVirraj - opened

I have tried both the commands with curl and getting the following error

curl -X POST -F 'file=Bioinspired_Engineering_of_Thermal_Materials.pdf' localhost:5060

I have run the command in the command prompt and from the directory where the file is located.

{"detail":[{"type":"missing","loc":["body","file"],"msg":"Field required","input":null}]}

edit: my command is wrong, It is working.

I have few questions,

  1. The outputs are displayed in the terminal. Is there any output file where the outptus are saved?
  2. Now I have the coordinates of the bounding boxes in the ouptut. How to draw them. Is there any tool or pure python?


VinayVirraj changed discussion title from Server is running but cannot make curl command to work. to Question regarding outptus

Hi Vinay,


ali6parmak changed discussion status to closed

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