David Busch


AI & ML interests

None yet


Deckert's activity

New activity in stabilityai/stable-diffusion over 1 year ago

A surealist painter i painting a vanitas

#6174 opened over 1 year ago by Deckert
New activity in stabilityai/stable-diffusion almost 2 years ago

Bladerunner in style of surrealism

#2525 opened almost 2 years ago by Deckert

Metropolis and Bladerunner in style of cubism

#2430 opened almost 2 years ago by Deckert

Bladerunner in style of Dali

#2427 opened almost 2 years ago by Deckert

Bladerunner in style of Dali

#2426 opened almost 2 years ago by Deckert