Discord (or similar) for researchers using stable diffusion?

by gturk1 - opened

Is there a discord or another forum where the researchers who are using stable diffusion can help each other out? At the moment, we seem to be trying to talk to each other through the seven different "community" sections on hugging face and also through the main github repo for stable diffusion. It sure would be nice to have one place to go for discussions, help, tips and so on.

I've seen some discussion from researchers on the EleutherAI (in the off-topic channel). But there are lots of other folks there, too, so it doesn't seem efficient as a discussion forum. Not many people on the Simulacra bot discord are part of the research release (AFAIK), so also probably not a good supplement or replacement to this forum. I agree it's hard to keep on top of the threads with how dispersed they are...

You could always make one! Then again, it sounds like a public release isn't too far out. Could just be a supplementary discord to the existing stable diffusion one.

@db88 I would consider making a discord if it was earlier in the summer. Now that I am one week away from teaching classes, I won't have much in the way of free time to make sure such a forum gets going smoothly. I am hoping someone with more time on their hands might be inspired to start one!

Regarding the public release, I see that as separate to the question of research on stable diffusion. There will be tons of things yet to explore even after the release. This was certainly true of StyleGAN, with people still publishing new techniques for it even after it being out for two years.

Hugging Face has a Community Discord server (hf.co/join/discord) with a #diffusion-models channel. There will be more channels in the future, feel free to join :)

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