Replacing ebsynth

by sazoji - opened

This is an amazing implementation of controlnet for removing flicker with RAFT, but blending between keyframes with ebsynth, that's really staring to show it's age (I've been using it with CNNs for years and wish something like FGVC would come along for keyframes).
Do you know of anything somewhat efficient that can take the RAFT flow maps per frame and map the edited keyframes back to it? I know some repos that can isolate objects in video, allow you to styletransfer/edit an image of the object, and replace back into the video, but they're neither efficient to run on a desktop GPU nor support keyframing similarly that the ebsynth tool can do.
I really think finding something that doesn't smear edges or blur edge detail like ebsynth tends to due to the flow calculations would make a really robust system that TemporalNet could work with.

sazoji changed discussion title from Replacing ebsyth to Replacing ebsynth

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