Naive Preset

by saishf - opened

I've been using this model with cards that contain subliminal messages & semi-dark elements. When i use the recommened preset, the model is so creative it brushes over the underlying story and issues, it then ends up going on it's own narrative. Using the "Naive" preset in ST, the model is aware of the underlying issues, will question them and is suspicious. It also follows characters mannerisms / quirks slightly better

This comment made me think "Huh.. There is such a thing as bad sampler settings, but there is no such thing as good sampler settings" Because after a certain point of quality, it all just becomes subjective.
Some prefer more creativity while others prefer more adherence. It also gave me an Idea of a good yet simple STscript.

Anyway, I won't be removing the current recommended sampler setting, but instead, I'll be splitting it into two categories: Creativity, and Adherence

Thanks btw for letting me know about this, I'll update the model card
I'll replace the creativity one once someone offers a better alternative

I've been using this model with cards that contain subliminal messages & semi-dark elements. When i use the recommened preset, the model is so creative it brushes over the underlying story and issues, it then ends up going on it's own narrative. Using the "Naive" preset in ST, the model is aware of the underlying issues, will question them and is suspicious. It also follows characters mannerisms / quirks slightly better

I noticed that too. When I propose scenarios, and while in RP, the model has some "insights" I even hadn't think about, bringing other elements underlying the main plot, and even concluding based on the physics laws that some things will occurr ( which I hadn't think initially ), displaying great creativity, intelligence and understanding of the situation, to the RP. β€οΈπŸ™πŸ‘

This comment made me think "Huh.. There is such a thing as bad sampler settings, but there is no such thing as good sampler settings" Because after a certain point of quality, it all just becomes subjective.
Some prefer more creativity while others prefer more adherence. It also gave me an Idea of a good yet simple STscript.

Anyway, I won't be removing the current recommended sampler setting, but instead, I'll be splitting it into two categories: Creativity, and Adherence

Thanks btw for letting me know about this, I'll update the model card
I'll replace the creativity one once someone offers a better alternative

I sometimes wonder if moe-esk samplers would be possible.Eg have the model decide whether creativity or adherence is necessary then use the samplers it thinks works best instead of having multiple models? I don't know if it's possible but it would be more efficient than moe models.
Kind of like VAGOsolutions/Kraken-LoRA. Normal MoE is cool but the vram requirements get big x^x

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