How to load *.index and *.pth files into ooba?

by xpgx1 - opened

I'm sorry if this doesn't pertain exclusively to your repository - but I'm unable to find any guidance on how to utilize these files with any model. I take it they are weights? Would be very much appreciated if you can at least point me in the right direction. Thx!

I'm using OobaBooga on Windows.

Hey! Well I dunno what OogaBooga is I do know how to use these on a few different apps or sites on Windows you can add my discord if you wanna talk about it easier. my discord is fredflinstoned

Hey @xpgx1 just wondering if you ever added me or got help about using the index and pth files if not you could join here there's tons of people who actually know what they're doing lol

Hey! What a nice idea to catch up with this. No I have not, hehe, sadly =)

OobaBooga ( is a software framework & web UI that allows you to load and interact with large language models - LLMs. The community you linked seems centered around voice or Text-To-Speech models? Thats another subset of the current "AI craze" - an interesting one, but not what I am looking for.

But really, thanks for following up with this. Have nice weekend C0ttontheBunny ^-^

xpgx1 changed discussion status to closed

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