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CryptotoCollege Style

CRCLG style, abstract graphic design, very sad, a young boy standing, an arcade cabinet engulfed in flames, vibrant colors on black background, detailed brushstrokes, expressive painting, micro detailed texture painting
Negative Prompt
poor composition, low quality, disfigured, chinese, asian, korean, photo, dull, fake, boring, cheap, sfw, wholesome, watermark

Model description

Cryptotocollege Style A very expressive painting style LoRA trained on 48 images scraped (with their blessing) from the X account @Cryptotocollege. While the style of their work varies, I chose their loose and expressive painting style that often features objects engulfed in flames and characters smoking cigarettes. I captioned the images via Claude3 API using my special art captioning prompt framework. I trained for 40 epochs with a batch size of 4 and a gradient accumulation of 2 using the prodigy optimizer. After reviewing test outputs and testing several epochs i chose epoch 26 to share. This LoRA doesn't quite capture the extreme texture that some of their work displays but it can be prompted toward that. This LoRA likes to create characters smoking cigarettes (even dogs and children) unprompted and will often incorporate flames into the scene.

Make sure to follow @Cryptotocollege on X

Since i've been cancelled off X, you can find me on farcaster as @BlaireSilver13

Trigger words

You should use CRCLG style to trigger the image generation.

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