Document length for v2-m3?

by rag-perplexity - opened

Hi, just curious on whether the v2-m3 reranker supports long length documents or is that only for 'bge-m3' using the BGEM3FlagModel where you can specify the max_passage_length?Thanks!

Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence org

The max length of this model is 8192, so it supports long-length documents. However, we fine-tune this model with a max length of 1024, so we recommend to set max_length=1024.
For reranker model, you should use FlagReranker class following, not BGEM3FlagModel. And you can pass max_length= to the compute_score function.

Hi !
What is the influence of this parameter on the compute time ? What is the impact on the duration of compute to multiply by 2 the length of the input text (one of the two inputs, say) ?

If you set a larger max_length, and the input exceeds this maximum length, you will require more compute time.
If you multiply the length of the input text by 2, you will need more computing time.

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