do you have a bge-rerank-small version model?

by hulianxue - opened

Hey, I am wondering if there is a small reranker model for bge? In addition, I wonder why single-tower model bge-reranker-base is not superior to these two-tower model like stella, etc? That is anazing since as we know two-tower is not performing good in reranking task (in most pairwise tasks.)

Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence org

Hi, we didn't train a small reranker. You can train your reranker following
Besides, we didn't train the reranker with much data, so it may not perform well in some scenarios. We suggest to fine-tune it if you want to improve its performance.

Hi, we didn't train a small reranker. You can train your reranker following
Besides, we didn't train the reranker with much data, so it may not perform well in some scenarios. We suggest to fine-tune it if you want to improve its performance.

I see, thanks!

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