Error: Task couldn't be inferenced from BertModel.Inference Toolkit

by austinmw - opened

I've deployed this model to SageMaker with the HuggingFace DLC, however I get this error when calling the model:

Task couldn't be inferenced from BertModel.Inference Toolkit can only inference tasks from architectures ending with ['TapasForQuestionAnswering', 'ForQuestionAnswering', 'ForTokenClassification', 'ForSequenceClassification', 'ForMultipleChoice', 'ForMaskedLM', 'ForCausalLM', 'ForConditionalGeneration', 'MTModel', 'EncoderDecoderModel', 'GPT2LMHeadModel', 'T5WithLMHeadModel'].Use env HF_TASK to define your task.

Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence org

Thanks for your interest in our work! However, I'm not familiar with SageMaker. Sorry for that I cannot provide some useful suggestions.

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