There seems to be an error

by shoch02 - opened

Hey Avditvs,

I've found your model really interesting and would quite like to try it, however there seems to be an error with it.
I've attached a screenshot, the error message also pops up when I try to run it on a dedicated inference endpoint.
Hopefully its an easy fix :)

Best Regards
HF_error_Screenshot 2024-05-22.png

Hi, thanks for your feedback ! Seems like a library version mismatch. Did you try to update the transformer libraries to the latest version ?
I'm gonna check if there is a fix for this.

I have no issue on my side to load the model, an you share your environment ?


I resetted the tokenizer config to original, looks good now :)

Hey, thank you for checking up on it so quickly, everything seems to be working as intended now :)

Thanks again!

shoch02 changed discussion status to closed

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