How to Create a News title( Headline) generator ?

by Ateeqq - opened

Here's a breakdown on how to create a news title generator using Hugging Face, Transformers (T5-base specifically), and the Ateeqq/news-title-generator dataset:

1. Libraries and Dataset:

  • Install the required libraries:

    pip install transformers datasets
  • Load the Ateeqq/news-title-generator dataset:

    from datasets import load_dataset
    dataset = load_dataset("Ateeqq/news-title-generator")

2. Preprocessing (Optional):

  • The dataset might require some preprocessing depending on your preference. This could involve:

    • Lowercasing text
    • Removing punctuation
    • Tokenization (splitting text into words)

    Here's an example of basic preprocessing using Transformers tokenizers:

    from transformers import T5Tokenizer
    tokenizer = T5Tokenizer.from_pretrained("t5-base")
    def preprocess_function(examples):
        return tokenizer(examples["text"], padding="max_length", truncation=True)
    dataset =, batched=True)

3. Model Loading and Fine-tuning:

  • Load the pre-trained T5-base model:

    from transformers import T5ForConditionalGeneration
    model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("t5-base")
  • Fine-tune the model on the prepared dataset. This involves training the model to specifically generate news titles based on the provided text. This can be a complex process, so be prepared to experiment with different hyperparameters and training configurations. Libraries like accelerate from Hugging Face can simplify this process.

4. Inference:

  • Once the model is fine-tuned, you can use it to generate news titles:
    def generate_title(text):
        input_ids = tokenizer(text, return_tensors="pt")
        output = model.generate(**input_ids)
        return tokenizer.decode(output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
    text = "Scientists discover a new planet with potential for life"
    title = generate_title(text)

Additional Resources:

Note: Fine-tuning a model can be computationally expensive, so consider using a pre-trained model like the one provided in the GitHub repository mentioned above if you don't have the resources for extensive training.

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