KeyError when loading the model

by je-dbl - opened

It seems that the model cannot be loaded from AutoModel.from_pretrained. Are there any known workarounds to load the model? Thanks!


from transformers import AutoModel

model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("ArthurZ/jukebox-1b-lyrics")


/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/transformers/models/auto/ in __getitem__(self, key)
    430             return self._extra_content[key]
    431         if key not in self._mapping:
--> 432             raise KeyError(key)
    433         value = self._mapping[key]
    434         module_name = model_type_to_module_name(key)

KeyError: 'jukebox'

Hey, that is normal! The model is not ready yet and cannot be used since it has not yet been merged to the main branch ;) give it a week or so and it will be ready!

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