Can i upload my V2 RVC model on to the Colab?

by Kurohana - opened

Hi, i notice that the inference now can support the v2 model
So i was wondering that can i upload my v2 himeko model on to the Colab file to use it?

And also when i upload my model, do i need to change anything in the code?

You don't need to change anything in the code. You just need to edit model_info.json and category_info.json
Here's the bare-bone code without any model:
you can just fork and change the JSON that I told you earlier

Thanks, but where can i find the category_info.json?

In the weights folder

I kept getting this error after i upload my model
I try to do with the other model as well but it wont work


Hmmm... let me try to find a way to fix it.

Let me know when you done fixing it please

Let me know when you done fixing it please

The new inference is ready, you can enable the new inference to use the v2 model. It's in a test state. But usable for now

ArkanDash changed discussion status to closed

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