Duplication of image subject

by shayeryan - opened

Hello, thanks for this great model! I've been running a couple dozen tests and the image outputs are great. Only thing I can't seem to fix is the duplication of the subject in question. For instance "astronaut standing on the beach" almost always generates two astronauts. Even typing "single astronaut" or "one astronaut" doesn't seem to change anything. This seems to be the case with about 90% of the prompts I've used.
Any ideas on a prompt that would solve this?

What is your generated image resolution? What UI you use to generate? If you use large resolution, it tends to make duplicate subjects (it's common in all Stable Diffusion models). If the UI you used has option called Hires-fix or similar then enable it and test again.

Thanks for the reply. I did some more research after posting this and found out that was the case with SD. Seems to prefer square resolutions over wide.

22 hours org

You can try to use negative prompt, maybe it will work!

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