What is <unk>?

by cggaurav - opened

I tried on unpunctuated blog of English text and got this output?

<UNK> Think that, as we'll later learn in this, <unk>'ll never forget that story. \n . <UNK>UT As we will soon Learn, <UNK>hat's A Real Thing. <unk>he Reverse is also true. \n , <UNK> always assumed that if my hair started, <UNK>n FACT, given the enormous number, <unk>nd a large percentage. \n , <unk>ow, Why at age 50? <Unk>t's only by age 50,. \n However,, <unk>his is typically because <unk>hat's usually how this thing happens. \n .<UNK>ODAY, We're going to talk about how hai

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