This is diffusers-format conversion for DnD_Classes_and_Species with EMA-only weights at fp16 size.

The previous diffusers pickles (for the previous model) have been removed in this PR.

I don't know what the convention is for all that, if πŸ€— expects you to make different branches or repos for those various types.

Converted using \
    --checkpoint_path DnD_Classes_and_Species.ckpt
    --extract_ema \
    --image_size 512 \
    --prediction_type epsilon

then converted to safetensors by loading that with

pipe = StableDiffusionPipeline.from_pretrained("./DnD-CnS", torch_dtype=torch.float16)
pipe.save_pretrained("DnD-CnS-safe", True)
keturn changed pull request status to open

I believe this also incorporates #6

0xJustin changed pull request status to merged


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