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Suspicious package at Manchester United's Old Trafford stadium is fake device, police sayNEW: Police say fake device accidentally left by private company after training exercise (2:30am ET:0:30pm GMT: 0:30m ET: 1:30p:
Erdogan urges G20 powers to set up'safe zone' in Syria to stem migrant flow from Syria: CNN China: Putin, Obama's G20 leader: Erdogan: 'No-fly zone, no fighting' Turkey, which hosts 3 million Syrian refugees, has long pushed for safe zone: Erdogan
Bayer says unable to sell digital farming assets to allay EU concerns over Monsanto buy-out: Reuters' Condon"I fail to see what kind of remedy there would be," Bayer's Crop Science head tells Reuters. European Commission investigating Bayer's planned $66 billion takeover of Monsanto
U.N. General Assembly calls for end to hostilities, humanitarian aid access, end to sieges, cease-fireNEW: Syria presses offensive in Aleppo to retake rebel-held parts of cityNEW: Russia slams sanctions imposed on Syria as 'asphyxiating population'
Puerto Rico bankruptcy may be largest municipal case in U.S. history, but it's not same as Detroit: here's what differences are? Puerto Rico's debt burden nearly seven times larger than Detroit's: Pundits, economy, poverty key differences
Four conservative Republicans say not ready to vote for healthcare bill on Senate floor next weekNEW: "We are open to negotiation, obtaining more information" The draft bill would not repeal Obamacare, lower healthcare costs, they say in joint statement, senators say. Senate Republicans can only lose two votes to prevail
U.S. to end special status for 5,300 Nicaraguans, extend TPS for 86,000 Hondurans: U.S.'s Trump administrationNEW: TPS program to be extended for Honduras, but could be terminated: officials'
Russia tries to calm fears over war games it plans to hold in Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Lithuania: ministerRussia says drills are purely defensive, not a springboard to invade Ukraine, Lithuania or Poland: minister: 'Myths' Russia says almost 13,000 troops, 700 pieces of military hardware to take part in drills
Iraqi troops near Mosul say they ready to tighten noose around Islamic State's defense of Mosul: military sourceNEW: Troops recapture Nimrud, Iraq's culture minister says: 'It's a victory for humanity' Mosul is almost surrounded, but jihadists' defenses not breached - yet
Almost all Hungarians reject EU migrant quotas in referendum but turnout too low to validize poll: election office"Outstanding result" for Orban, says Fidesz leader but not a'success' for migration policy: analyst"We must realize immigration is permanent phenomenon," says Italian minister
Police arrest friend of Paris stabbing suspect for questioning: judicial sourceNEW: Suspect was born in 1997, same year as Paris attacker - judicial source: source"The man, arrested in Strasbourg, is a friend of the Paris attacker," judicial source says"
Canada's Trudeau says van attack in Toronto has not changed threat level, G7 security plansCanada's prime minister says all Canadians stand with Toronto in wake of van attack: TV news channel CTVCanada. Canada's Trudeau: Canadians must not live in fear after Toronto van attack
Russia likely to prepare restrictions on U.S. imports: Interfax news agency: Trade ministry: InterFAX (Reuters) Russia may apply to World Trade Organization for restrictions on American goods: InterFax: Interfax, citing trade minister's source
Online bidding for Zimmerman's gun ends with $138,900 offer for Trayvon Martin's gunNEW: Zimmerman says process of notifying winning bidder will begin: own siteNEW: U.S. gun group defends decision to host auction, says Zimmerman vetting offers:
Senate panel cancels interview with Trump's lawyer after he makes public statement on Russia probeNEW: Trump lawyer Cohen asked to appear at open hearing on Oct. 25NEW: Cohen denies he colluded with Russia, says charges made to discredit him, says he never saw evidence
Trump says 'probably' ending 'DACA' but leaves door open for deal with Democrats in Congress: Twitter: "DACA is probably dead' Trump's comments come as lawmakers work on bipartisan immigration deal: CNN, ABC, Fox, CNN, Fox News
Five-star San Ysidro Ranch near Santa Barbara damaged by mudslides in California mudslide: fire, damage assessors"It looks like a war zone. It looks like the place just got bombed," U.S. congressman says of damaged ranch
Trump discusses tariffs with Macri in call: White House says Trump calls Macri to discuss tariffs' impact:White HouseNEW: Trump says Canada, Mexico to be exempt from tariffs, others may get them, may be given exemptions: White Reporters' group
Facebook says 10 million U.S. users viewed Russian ads with 'divisive messages' on them: blog post"Most of the ads appear to focus on divisive social and political messages," Facebook says:
China stands on right side of history in defending multilateralism, foreign ministry says in response to U.S. tariff threat: ministry's spokeswoman"China stands by multilateralistism: foreign ministry's Hua Chunying in regular news briefing (Chinese: here)
EU sanctions on Russia to be extended by six months: sources, officials in Brussels, sources: sourcesNEW: EU to extend sanctions against Russia after December 15 summit: sources: Sources: 'No doubt' sanctions will be extended, sources say' Russia sanctions include curbs on financing, defence, energy cooperation, defence cooperation
Berlin police chief says it is not clear if suspect in Christmas market attack is driver of car: police chief"It is in fact uncertain whether that really was the driver," police chief Kandt says of man arrested on suspicion of terrorism" Berlin police urge public to be vigilant as suspect denies involvement
UK PM May says Conservatives only party able to form government capable of delivering 'Brexit' May says she will get on with governing, changes to personal team not for another day: TV statement. May under fire for calling snap election, then losing majority, says she would not change team
White House says indictments have nothing to do with Trump campaign, show no evidence of Russia-Trump collusion: Spokeswoman"We’ve been saying from day one there’s no evidence... of Trump-Russia collusion," says White House spokeswoman
Trump steps up war of words over NFL's silent protests over racial injustice: ReutersFactbox: NFL's tax breaks, stadium financing, U.S. tax break: What's in it for the Trump administration, who wants to change it? Trump says NFL should not get tax breaks while players kneel
Mugabe's resignation letter makes no mention of who he is leaving in charge of country: parliament speaker: parliament Speaker: working on legal issues to make sure new leader in place by end of Wednesday: parliament's speaker, read out Mugabe resignation letter:
U.S. Senate confirms Alexander Acosta, first Hispanic in Trump's cabinet: 60-38NEW: Acosta confirmed as labor secretary, confirmed by 60/38 vote (0:30 p.m. ET) Acosta is first Hispanic confirmed in Trump cabinet
Opponents of German 'grand coalition' take to the road to try to force 'No' to 'GroKo' vote in party congress"We won't make ourselves the servants of a refugee camp," says youth wing leader in anti-Coalition drive
Democrats face tough road to regaining control of key state legislatures in U.S. midterms: Reuters' analysisNEW: Democrats face grim odds in states like Florida, Michigan, Ohio, Texas, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Texas and Ohio, Reuters finds
Germany's Merkel says she does not want to pressure Britain to speed up or slow down exit from EU"We can't begin informal talks without Britain's message to leave," Merkel says on Britain's EU exit: Merkel"I have neither a brake nor an accelerator"
German official says first days of EU-Turkey deal show things are going in right direction: Seibert"We have not achieved everything yet but first few days have shown that developments are heading in the right direction," he says. Germany says deal to stem flow of refugees from Turkey to Europe is going well: spokesman
Trump could exempt more countries from trade tariffs: Treasury's Mnuchin: CNBC TV interview (
Japan says 'by no means' to South Korea's call for more steps to help 'comfort women' 'Comfort women' is a euphemism for women forced to work in Japan's wartime brothels' Japan says it will not renegotiate 2015 deal with South Korea over issue
Iran's Rouhani says all countries should be sensitive about 'illegal' intervention in region: IRNA: state news agency"No country should be allowed to take military action when nothing is proved," Rouhani says in phone call with Turkey's Erdogan: state-run IRNA
Ceasefire appears to hold despite pockets of violence: U.N. envoy in Yemen: Dujarric"Now is the time to step back from the brink," envoy says of Yemen truce: al-Arabiya TV's al-Mekhlafi
Migrants in Nogales, Mexico, say Trump's win makes them reconsider crossing over to U.S. Trump's border wall, deportations make some want to go home, others stay in U.N.-run shelters: Reuters' Poll: 40 percent of migrants in Mexico say they will not cross border under Trump
Hawaii's Kilauea volcano lava flows block highway that serves as escape route to coast: state officialNEW: First known serious injury from fresh eruptions in Hawaii: official: 'Lava spatter can kill' Hawaii volcano may spread ash, smog across Big Island
White House says immigration deal not reached, contradicting Flake's statement on Thursday: Sanders' office: 'We still think we can get there' 'We're very focused on trying to make sure that happens': Sanders on immigration deal:'very focused on making sure'
U.S. House Speaker Ryan says he is willing to consider more sanctions on Russia: CNN's John Defterios"Russia is a menacing government that does not share our values," Ryan says of Putin's government"I'm more than happy to consider" more sanctions: Ryan
First lawsuit filed on behalf of victim in Florida school shooting seeks damages, trial, jury trial: suit:
Trump avoids bow to Japan's Akihito, Michiko with handshake, nod, but no bow, no handshakesNEW: Trump shakes hands, taps emperor's arm, says 'I'm sure we will meet again' U.S. president avoids criticism of Obama for bow to emperor
U.S. President Trump urges allies to more than double defense spending at NATO summitBRUSSELS (Reuters) - Trump accuses Germany of being 'captive' to Russia at NATO meeting: source: source' Trump says he would prefer 4 percent defense spending target to 2 percent
Census question on citizenship status to help enforce Voting Rights Act: U.S. officialsNEW: California sues to block move to add citizenship question to 2020 census: court filingNEW: Citizenship question could discourage immigrants: state's attorney generalNEW: Census researchers say immigrants are concerned about confidentiality
Britain's May declines to comment on BBC report on military action in Syria: May's spokesman"We don't need to go to parliament to take military action: May spokesman" May's comments follow BBC report that she would not seek parliament's OK for Syria action
Russian Olympic committee 'deeply disappointed' by Rio Games ban, says will fight to protect clean athletes' rights"We will fight until the end for clean Russian sports people," says Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) ROC says disappointed by Rio ban, disappointed by CAS ruling
FCC head set to unveil plans to reverse net neutrality rules: sources at FCCNEW: FCC to hold final vote on reversing net neutrality order next week: sources: Sources: Pai to roll out details of plans on Dec. 14, roll out plans next week
U.S. oil supplies to Europe to hit record high as OPEC cuts push prices to 4-year highs: traders, sources (Reuters/Eikon) U.S., Russia, Saudi, Nigerian, Nigerian oil grades under pressure in Europe, traders say
U.S. Supreme Court sets transgender rights arguments for March 28, when Senate likely to be focused on Trump's nomination: CNN. At heart of case is question of whether transgender rights covered by federal law: Obama or Trump? Supreme Court could be split 4-4 in transgender rights case: CNN
Italy's Mattarella summons Conte to his palace to hand him second mandate to form gov't: Mattarella's office (1900 GMT) Conte's first attempt to form government thwarted by Mattarella, who rejected eurosceptic pick for economy ministry