gpt2-large-tldr-sum /
set inference parameter
license: apache-2.0
    do_sample: false
    max_new_tokens: 250
  - text: >-
      summarize: Me [19 F] with my friend [19 M], not sure if I may have messed
      things up already.

      Hello hello everybody. I hope this isn't too trivial of a question to ask
      on here, but I've been feeling a bit out of my depth when it comes to this
      situation (I've had only one relationship before, and for many reasons, it
      was out of the ordinary).

      Okay! So, a couple of weeks ago, I started talking to this guy on
      Facebook, through a student group that we were both part of. I thought he
      was sort of cute, so I sent him a PM just to talk, etc, etc. We're both
      transfer students at the same school, so I knew that we could eventually
      meet in person once we both moved on-campus. So, we did, and we hung out
      maybe twice, just as friends.

      Okay. So, everything is going pretty well. We talk over Facebook and
      Snapchat, whatever. So, Saturday night, I was just hanging out with people
      and kind of being bored, when I got a Snapchat from him asking what I was
      doing. I asked if he wanted to hang out, so we did. 

      We ended up smoking pot (the first time for me, ever), and sort of just
      wandering around. Eventually we ended up back at his dorm room, where high
      me decided to just go for it, and I came on to him pretty strongly. It
      worked out for me (luckily, otherwise things would have been really super
      awkward), and we ended up messing around but not having sex.

      Yesterday, however, I ended up going to hang out with him again, and this
      time we did sleep together. Afterward, we kind of discussed what we were
      going to do, and he just said that he wanted to "play it by ear" and not
      slap any labels on anything. I'm wondering if this means that he wants a
      fwb-type situation, or if he might actually be interested in me. The way
      I've been acting is extremely out of character for me, and I am not
      interested in having a fuck buddy. I like him, and I would be very
      interested in maybe seeing where things go, but I'm worried that I may
      have ruined my chances of a relationship by sleeping with him
    example_title: Example 1
  - text: >-
      summarize: My 11 year old sons friend died suddenly, his funeral is today
      and my son suddenly doesn't want to attend.

      **repost from relationships**

      A couple of weeks ago my sons friend died in a freak accident, it was
      completely shocking and horrific. He isn't aware of the details, but we
      broke the news to him as soon as we found out and have spoke about it many
      times with him.

      He has cried about it, asked questions and spoken about it with his older
      siblings (who have also recently lost a friend) and seemed to be okay with
      it (considering the circumstances).

      Leading up to the funeral, we have talked about it and explained what he
      is to expect, etc. This is his first funeral, so we have made sure that he
      is aware of everything.

      But today is the day, and he has broken down in the morning and says he
      doesn't want to go. I have no idea what to do. Do I push him to go? I am
      worried that he will regret it later, as he is a kid who doesn't like to
      do new things. But at the same time, I don't want to pressure him to do
      something he doesn't want to do.

      Advice, please?<sep>
    example_title: Example 2
  - text: >-
      summarize: The girl [26 F] I [22 M] have been seeing for a month didn't
      respond to me at all yesterday while hanging out with a friend [~30? M].

      She gets terrible service while at her house, but I texted her 3 times
      yesterday, 4-5 hours apart. She didn't call me until early this morning
      and left a voicemail that she was busy all day with a friend who showed up
      out of the blue.

      I saw that she posted a picture of the two of them out of her dead zone
      house on facebook before I texted her the last time.

      I don't mind that she hangs out with friends, and I know it's pretty early
      in the relationship, but am I wrong to be a little annoyed that she didn't
      respond until 24 hours after my first text?<sep>
    example_title: Example 3
  - text: >-
      summarize: TIFU by accidently kicking an old woman

      So this didn't happen today but actually about a year or two ago.

      I was at my granddads funeral so of course it was all very sad and full of
      lots of crying old people. After the ceremony everyone walks outside the
      building and onto the other side of the small road the hearses drive down.
      Now the road is important because obviously if there's a road, there's a
      curb onto the sidewalk, so most of us are on the other side of the road,
      besides a few older people walking a lot slower. 

      As one of the old woman goes to walk up the curb she trips (obviously
      didn't notice there was one due to crying and whatnot) and I'm the only
      one who not only sees it coming but is in any position to do anything. So
      of course as someone who is an avid football (soccer if you're American)
      player my first instinct is to stick my foot out and kind of control her
      head like you would with a football.

      Of course you can imagine this looked horrendously bad on my part (quite
      literally kicking an old woman while she's down) and as she got up
      everyone noticed that her nose was completely grey/black as if she'd just
      been punched in the face. She assures us she's fine and we go to the
      dinner afterwards where someone finally informs her of her bruising. She
      goes to the toilet and comes out with a completely normal looking nose so
      of course everyone's wondering how and it turns out that the "bruising"
      was actually shoe polish from my shoe, confirming to everyone that i
      kicked this poor old lady square in the face as she fell.<sep>
    example_title: Example 4

GPT-2 Large Model for OpenAI TLDR Summarization

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