Central University of Las Villas


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Welcome to the Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas. Founded on November 30, 1952, this institution constitutes the most important Centre of Higher Education in the central region of Cuba and is worthy of the Excellence condition, granted by the National Accreditation Board in 2016. It is composed: the Central campus, the pedagogical “Félix Varela” headquarters and the Physical Culture Faculty.

The Central University “Marta Abreu” of Las Villas, the most interdisciplinary in the country, has an enrollment of 11497 students and 2036 professors, located in 12 faculties, in which the 54 careers are studied covering humanistic sciences, techniques and natural sciences. It offers 29 doctoral programs, 44 Master’s academic programs and 4 specialties.


Educate competent professionals in the technical, agricultural, pedagogical, economic, social, humanistic, exact and physical culture sciences, through undergraduate education, continuous improvement and postgraduate, based on the development of science, technology and innovation, with quality, integrality and patriotism, in order to meet the demand of the central region and the country in general, for which it has adequate facilities and a human capital of high scientific level, humanistic and with tradition of excellence in its work .


We are a University of Excellence, committed to the Cuban social project. We focus our actions on the construction of prosperous and sustainable socialism approved in the Congress of the Party in the development axis until 2O3O, and we contribute results to the consolidation of the Cuban economic model. We train with quality and efficiency integral professionals, with deep humanistic sense, competent, educated, bearers of our values ​​and committed to the homeland. We have a revolutionary staff, of excellence, innovative, stable, with a broad comprehensive general culture, solid ideological political preparation, motivated, able of achieving the necessary transformations for the improvement of Cuban higher education.

We satisfy the needs and demands of training and exceling of professionals and directors, prioritizing the training of doctors. We achieve results of university science, technology and innovation, linked to the priorities of the territory, which together, with knowledge management and innovation, impacts and contributes to the economic and social development of the province. Our cadres are prepared and motivated, they direct with a high sense of belonging, effectively using the resources we have available, in order to a successful achievement of the objectives, stimulation and working and living conditions improvement.


Enrollment is the official registration in the records of a Higher Education Center, through which the Cuban or foreign formalizes or legally ratifies the beginning of each academic period, and their status as a student. It is granted to citizens who comply withthe requirements and norms established in the regulations dictated by the Ministry of Higher Education, or the specialized agency to which the career is attached. For the registration of a new admission, the Registration Lists issued by the Provincial Income Commission are required, by type of courses and sources of income, signed by its Executive Secretary and coined. The sources of income that correspond have direct and deferred income. The Registration List issued by the Provincial Income Commission is the official document that legalizes the career granting to students whose names, surnames and other data are printed on them. They are the ones who have the right to enroll in the degree awarded. The SIES-3 Model “Granting of a place” issued by the Presiding Rectors of the Provincial Entrance Commissions and the Director of Income and Labor Location of the Ministry of Higher Education also has the same character. General requirements to enroll in any type of course: Be a high school graduate (upper middle level), accredited by degree or certificate issued by centers of the National Education System.

Have obtained a place in a career complying with the established norms for an authorized source of income.

In the daytime course, the following are additional requirements: Pass the established test admission.

That suitable FAR men have completed Active Military Service. Unfit and unauthorized men to enroll directly must complete a year of socially useful work.

Cuban citizens and foreigners permanently resident in Cuba, who enter in the daytime course must not have exceeded 25 years of age at the time of registration to take the admission test.


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