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- image-classification
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- imagenet-21k
# Model card for maxvit_large_tf_224.in21k
An official MaxViT image classification model. Trained in tensorflow on ImageNet-21k (21843 Google specific instance of ImageNet-22k) by paper authors.
Ported from official Tensorflow implementation ( to PyTorch by Ross Wightman.
### Model Variants in [](
MaxxViT covers a number of related model architectures that share a common structure including:
- CoAtNet - Combining MBConv (depthwise-separable) convolutional blocks in early stages with self-attention transformer blocks in later stages.
- MaxViT - Uniform blocks across all stages, each containing a MBConv (depthwise-separable) convolution block followed by two self-attention blocks with different partitioning schemes (window followed by grid).
- CoAtNeXt - A timm specific arch that uses ConvNeXt blocks in place of MBConv blocks in CoAtNet. All normalization layers are LayerNorm (no BatchNorm).
- MaxxViT - A timm specific arch that uses ConvNeXt blocks in place of MBConv blocks in MaxViT. All normalization layers are LayerNorm (no BatchNorm).
- MaxxViT-V2 - A MaxxViT variation that removes the window block attention leaving only ConvNeXt blocks and grid attention w/ more width to compensate.
Aside from the major variants listed above, there are more subtle changes from model to model. Any model name with the string `rw` are `timm` specific configs w/ modelling adjustments made to favour PyTorch eager use. These were created while training initial reproductions of the models so there are variations.
All models with the string `tf` are models exactly matching Tensorflow based models by the original paper authors with weights ported to PyTorch. This covers a number of MaxViT models. The official CoAtNet models were never released.
## Model Details
- **Model Type:** Image classification / feature backbone
- **Model Stats:**
- Params (M): 233.1
- GMACs: 43.7
- Activations (M): 127.4
- Image size: 224 x 224
- **Papers:**
- MaxViT: Multi-Axis Vision Transformer:
- **Dataset:** ImageNet-21k
## Model Usage
### Image Classification
from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL import Image
import timm
img =
model = timm.create_model('maxvit_large_tf_224.in21k', pretrained=True)
model = model.eval()
# get model specific transforms (normalization, resize)
data_config =
transforms =**data_config, is_training=False)
output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1
top5_probabilities, top5_class_indices = torch.topk(output.softmax(dim=1) * 100, k=5)
### Feature Map Extraction
from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL import Image
import timm
img =
model = timm.create_model(
model = model.eval()
# get model specific transforms (normalization, resize)
data_config =
transforms =**data_config, is_training=False)
output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # unsqueeze single image into batch of 1
for o in output:
# print shape of each feature map in output
# e.g.:
# torch.Size([1, 128, 112, 112])
# torch.Size([1, 128, 56, 56])
# torch.Size([1, 256, 28, 28])
# torch.Size([1, 512, 14, 14])
# torch.Size([1, 1024, 7, 7])
### Image Embeddings
from urllib.request import urlopen
from PIL import Image
import timm
img =
model = timm.create_model(
num_classes=0, # remove classifier nn.Linear
model = model.eval()
# get model specific transforms (normalization, resize)
data_config =
transforms =**data_config, is_training=False)
output = model(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0)) # output is (batch_size, num_features) shaped tensor
# or equivalently (without needing to set num_classes=0)
output = model.forward_features(transforms(img).unsqueeze(0))
# output is unpooled, a (1, 1024, 7, 7) shaped tensor
output = model.forward_head(output, pre_logits=True)
# output is a (1, num_features) shaped tensor
## Model Comparison
### By Top-1
|model |top1 |top5 |samples / sec |Params (M) |GMAC |Act (M)|
|[maxvit_xlarge_tf_512.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.53|98.64| 21.76| 475.77|534.14|1413.22|
|[maxvit_xlarge_tf_384.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.32|98.54| 42.53| 475.32|292.78| 668.76|
|[maxvit_base_tf_512.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.20|98.53| 50.87| 119.88|138.02| 703.99|
|[maxvit_large_tf_512.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.04|98.40| 36.42| 212.33|244.75| 942.15|
|[maxvit_large_tf_384.in21k_ft_in1k]( |87.98|98.56| 71.75| 212.03|132.55| 445.84|
|[maxvit_base_tf_384.in21k_ft_in1k]( |87.92|98.54| 104.71| 119.65| 73.80| 332.90|
|[maxvit_rmlp_base_rw_384.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |87.81|98.37| 106.55| 116.14| 70.97| 318.95|
|[maxxvitv2_rmlp_base_rw_384.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |87.47|98.37| 149.49| 116.09| 72.98| 213.74|
|[coatnet_rmlp_2_rw_384.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |87.39|98.31| 160.80| 73.88| 47.69| 209.43|
|[maxvit_rmlp_base_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.89|98.02| 375.86| 116.14| 23.15| 92.64|
|[maxxvitv2_rmlp_base_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.64|98.02| 501.03| 116.09| 24.20| 62.77|
|[maxvit_base_tf_512.in1k]( |86.60|97.92| 50.75| 119.88|138.02| 703.99|
|[coatnet_2_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.57|97.89| 631.88| 73.87| 15.09| 49.22|
|[maxvit_large_tf_512.in1k]( |86.52|97.88| 36.04| 212.33|244.75| 942.15|
|[coatnet_rmlp_2_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.49|97.90| 620.58| 73.88| 15.18| 54.78|
|[maxvit_base_tf_384.in1k]( |86.29|97.80| 101.09| 119.65| 73.80| 332.90|
|[maxvit_large_tf_384.in1k]( |86.23|97.69| 70.56| 212.03|132.55| 445.84|
|[maxvit_small_tf_512.in1k]( |86.10|97.76| 88.63| 69.13| 67.26| 383.77|
|[maxvit_tiny_tf_512.in1k]( |85.67|97.58| 144.25| 31.05| 33.49| 257.59|
|[maxvit_small_tf_384.in1k]( |85.54|97.46| 188.35| 69.02| 35.87| 183.65|
|[maxvit_tiny_tf_384.in1k]( |85.11|97.38| 293.46| 30.98| 17.53| 123.42|
|[maxvit_large_tf_224.in1k]( |84.93|96.97| 247.71| 211.79| 43.68| 127.35|
|[coatnet_rmlp_1_rw2_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |84.90|96.96| 1025.45| 41.72| 8.11| 40.13|
|[maxvit_base_tf_224.in1k]( |84.85|96.99| 358.25| 119.47| 24.04| 95.01|
|[maxxvit_rmlp_small_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |84.63|97.06| 575.53| 66.01| 14.67| 58.38|
|[coatnet_rmlp_2_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |84.61|96.74| 625.81| 73.88| 15.18| 54.78|
|[maxvit_rmlp_small_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |84.49|96.76| 693.82| 64.90| 10.75| 49.30|
|[maxvit_small_tf_224.in1k]( |84.43|96.83| 647.96| 68.93| 11.66| 53.17|
|[maxvit_rmlp_tiny_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |84.23|96.78| 807.21| 29.15| 6.77| 46.92|
|[coatnet_1_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |83.62|96.38| 989.59| 41.72| 8.04| 34.60|
|[maxvit_tiny_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |83.50|96.50| 1100.53| 29.06| 5.11| 33.11|
|[maxvit_tiny_tf_224.in1k]( |83.41|96.59| 1004.94| 30.92| 5.60| 35.78|
|[coatnet_rmlp_1_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |83.36|96.45| 1093.03| 41.69| 7.85| 35.47|
|[maxxvitv2_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |83.11|96.33| 1276.88| 23.70| 6.26| 23.05|
|[maxxvit_rmlp_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |83.03|96.34| 1341.24| 16.78| 4.37| 26.05|
|[maxvit_rmlp_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |82.96|96.26| 1283.24| 15.50| 4.47| 31.92|
|[maxvit_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |82.93|96.23| 1218.17| 15.45| 4.46| 30.28|
|[coatnet_bn_0_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |82.39|96.19| 1600.14| 27.44| 4.67| 22.04|
|[coatnet_0_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |82.39|95.84| 1831.21| 27.44| 4.43| 18.73|
|[coatnet_rmlp_nano_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |82.05|95.87| 2109.09| 15.15| 2.62| 20.34|
|[coatnext_nano_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |81.95|95.92| 2525.52| 14.70| 2.47| 12.80|
|[coatnet_nano_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |81.70|95.64| 2344.52| 15.14| 2.41| 15.41|
|[maxvit_rmlp_pico_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |80.53|95.21| 1594.71| 7.52| 1.85| 24.86|
### By Throughput (samples / sec)
|model |top1 |top5 |samples / sec |Params (M) |GMAC |Act (M)|
|[coatnext_nano_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |81.95|95.92| 2525.52| 14.70| 2.47| 12.80|
|[coatnet_nano_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |81.70|95.64| 2344.52| 15.14| 2.41| 15.41|
|[coatnet_rmlp_nano_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |82.05|95.87| 2109.09| 15.15| 2.62| 20.34|
|[coatnet_0_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |82.39|95.84| 1831.21| 27.44| 4.43| 18.73|
|[coatnet_bn_0_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |82.39|96.19| 1600.14| 27.44| 4.67| 22.04|
|[maxvit_rmlp_pico_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |80.53|95.21| 1594.71| 7.52| 1.85| 24.86|
|[maxxvit_rmlp_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |83.03|96.34| 1341.24| 16.78| 4.37| 26.05|
|[maxvit_rmlp_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |82.96|96.26| 1283.24| 15.50| 4.47| 31.92|
|[maxxvitv2_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |83.11|96.33| 1276.88| 23.70| 6.26| 23.05|
|[maxvit_nano_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |82.93|96.23| 1218.17| 15.45| 4.46| 30.28|
|[maxvit_tiny_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |83.50|96.50| 1100.53| 29.06| 5.11| 33.11|
|[coatnet_rmlp_1_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |83.36|96.45| 1093.03| 41.69| 7.85| 35.47|
|[coatnet_rmlp_1_rw2_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |84.90|96.96| 1025.45| 41.72| 8.11| 40.13|
|[maxvit_tiny_tf_224.in1k]( |83.41|96.59| 1004.94| 30.92| 5.60| 35.78|
|[coatnet_1_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |83.62|96.38| 989.59| 41.72| 8.04| 34.60|
|[maxvit_rmlp_tiny_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |84.23|96.78| 807.21| 29.15| 6.77| 46.92|
|[maxvit_rmlp_small_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |84.49|96.76| 693.82| 64.90| 10.75| 49.30|
|[maxvit_small_tf_224.in1k]( |84.43|96.83| 647.96| 68.93| 11.66| 53.17|
|[coatnet_2_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.57|97.89| 631.88| 73.87| 15.09| 49.22|
|[coatnet_rmlp_2_rw_224.sw_in1k]( |84.61|96.74| 625.81| 73.88| 15.18| 54.78|
|[coatnet_rmlp_2_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.49|97.90| 620.58| 73.88| 15.18| 54.78|
|[maxxvit_rmlp_small_rw_256.sw_in1k]( |84.63|97.06| 575.53| 66.01| 14.67| 58.38|
|[maxxvitv2_rmlp_base_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.64|98.02| 501.03| 116.09| 24.20| 62.77|
|[maxvit_rmlp_base_rw_224.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |86.89|98.02| 375.86| 116.14| 23.15| 92.64|
|[maxvit_base_tf_224.in1k]( |84.85|96.99| 358.25| 119.47| 24.04| 95.01|
|[maxvit_tiny_tf_384.in1k]( |85.11|97.38| 293.46| 30.98| 17.53| 123.42|
|[maxvit_large_tf_224.in1k]( |84.93|96.97| 247.71| 211.79| 43.68| 127.35|
|[maxvit_small_tf_384.in1k]( |85.54|97.46| 188.35| 69.02| 35.87| 183.65|
|[coatnet_rmlp_2_rw_384.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |87.39|98.31| 160.80| 73.88| 47.69| 209.43|
|[maxxvitv2_rmlp_base_rw_384.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |87.47|98.37| 149.49| 116.09| 72.98| 213.74|
|[maxvit_tiny_tf_512.in1k]( |85.67|97.58| 144.25| 31.05| 33.49| 257.59|
|[maxvit_rmlp_base_rw_384.sw_in12k_ft_in1k]( |87.81|98.37| 106.55| 116.14| 70.97| 318.95|
|[maxvit_base_tf_384.in21k_ft_in1k]( |87.92|98.54| 104.71| 119.65| 73.80| 332.90|
|[maxvit_base_tf_384.in1k]( |86.29|97.80| 101.09| 119.65| 73.80| 332.90|
|[maxvit_small_tf_512.in1k]( |86.10|97.76| 88.63| 69.13| 67.26| 383.77|
|[maxvit_large_tf_384.in21k_ft_in1k]( |87.98|98.56| 71.75| 212.03|132.55| 445.84|
|[maxvit_large_tf_384.in1k]( |86.23|97.69| 70.56| 212.03|132.55| 445.84|
|[maxvit_base_tf_512.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.20|98.53| 50.87| 119.88|138.02| 703.99|
|[maxvit_base_tf_512.in1k]( |86.60|97.92| 50.75| 119.88|138.02| 703.99|
|[maxvit_xlarge_tf_384.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.32|98.54| 42.53| 475.32|292.78| 668.76|
|[maxvit_large_tf_512.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.04|98.40| 36.42| 212.33|244.75| 942.15|
|[maxvit_large_tf_512.in1k]( |86.52|97.88| 36.04| 212.33|244.75| 942.15|
|[maxvit_xlarge_tf_512.in21k_ft_in1k]( |88.53|98.64| 21.76| 475.77|534.14|1413.22|
## Citation
author = {Ross Wightman},
title = {PyTorch Image Models},
year = {2019},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.4414861},
howpublished = {\url{}}
title={MaxViT: Multi-Axis Vision Transformer},
author={Tu, Zhengzhong and Talebi, Hossein and Zhang, Han and Yang, Feng and Milanfar, Peyman and Bovik, Alan and Li, Yinxiao},
title={CoAtNet: Marrying Convolution and Attention for All Data Sizes},
author={Dai, Zihang and Liu, Hanxiao and Le, Quoc V and Tan, Mingxing},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.04803},