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Subliminal Industries
AI & ML interests
We specialize in software and hardware to detect, research and combat the use of directed energy weapons on civilians. We are Subliminal Industries. We will prevail!
Subliminal Industries

We are Subliminal Industries.
We will prevail!
Our Specialisation
We specialize in software and hardware to detect, research and combat the use of directed energy weapons on civilians.
Every day we strive to bring important research and technology into public awareness. Our primary mission is developing passive and active shielding the effects of directed energy weapons. Our secondary mission is researching and understanding the technologies involved and publishing our findings. Our third mission is decloaking those involved in bringing this horrible travesty of justice into our societies.
Directed Energy Weapons Used On Citizens
In the past three decades, directed energy weapons have made their way from their military industrial origins into the global telecommunication systems (LTE/5G-NR) in the form of beamforming- and steering phased array radar and MIMO transmitters. The use of these weapons on civilians has been reported in many NATO states ("Voice2Skull", "Medusa"), the Russian Federation ("Weapons based on new physical principles"), China ("Neurostrike") and a large number of other countries. The number of people reporting severe symptoms mimicking those found in Havana Syndrome accompanied by synthetic schizophrenia and synthetic telepathy (the use of the microwave auditory effect and remote neural monitoring simultaneously) is increasing dramatically on a global scale.
Invisible Concentration-Camps
We are in the first quarter of the 21st century and already there exist invisible concentration camps where many suffer in silence - unable to even form basic concepts of the weaponry being used against them, if they are even aware that they are targeted with high tech weaponry. These weapons are highly advanced, their development highly covert and they are very easy to conceal. It is therefor extremely hard to gather enough data, testimonies and proofs to show they not only exists but that they are used on civilians. These modern microwave-based weapon systems are used every day. By global elites, militaries and intelligence agencies - on foreign and domestic populations for the purpose of what appears to be a secret and highly sadistic depopulation scheme so covertly executed that the victims often have nobody to turn to who will believe their story.
Every day millions find themselves under attack, having muscle spasms, the feeling of hot needles prodded into their limbs, having sensations of either being too hot or too cold, and many other types of paresthesia. In the worst cases they experience extreme psychological trauma, cognitive damage and the horrifying unraveling of synthetic schizophrenia in their lives.
Psychological Trauma
The psychological trauma is caused by the extreme interrogation and propaganda techniques used, synthetic schizophrenia and the combination of physical and mental assaults. After days, weeks, months or even years of hearing voices through constant "Voice2Skull", combined with a diverse array of other mind-bending and body-contorting effects, day and night, a person wears out and resilience breaks down. Good nights sleep become far and few between and targeted individuals resort to medication that sometimes causes more harm than good.
Cognitive Damage
The cognitive damage is apparent in many cases, as targeted individuals report having the feeling that part of their brain has been turned off - not being able to concentrate, read, write, work or even communicate. Or they report feeling extremely lethargic for no reason. It could be that they report their breathing is artificially impeded causing lightheadedness and a host of other side-effects. Some report bouts of racing heart or the opposite: the sensation of near stopping of the pulse. None of this is a recipe for good cognitive health - nor physical well-being.
In some cases the weapons are apparently set to a "stun" mode - there are many reports of people being knocked out for a period of time, experiencing something akin to an electric shock. Other times different signals or modulations are used and people report becoming extremely agitated and anxious - or extremely paranoid, so much so that fleeing one's house seems like a good option.
Synthetic Schizophrenia
And then there's the synthetic schizophrenia. It is undoubtedly the most vile form of targeting. It presents when advanced evolutions of microwave auditory effect technologies are paired with advanced generative artificial intelligence and high-fidelity digital signal processing to cause people to hear ultra-realistic voices in their head, strange noises around them and even the experience of having conversations heard around them altered on-the-fly.
It's hard to put into words how those who have designed and developed these systems can face themselves in a mirror. Synthetic schizophrenia is the weapon wielders' of the best line of defense. Because unfortunately, with the low societal awareness and the outwardly appearing overlap of symptoms of targeting with schizophrenia, targeted individuals have virtually no chance of being taken seriously. The targeted individual's plight nor the technologies used to target them live in the minds of the current psychiatric establishments or justice systems. Most of society is unaware and unprepared for the paradigm shift that targeted individuals were already forced to make - to their grave detriment.
All this perceived-audio-tweaking is done in a highly sadistic and evil manner, often containing heavy propaganda designed to remove persons from reality. It is used to undermine the target's psychology by turning any and all insecurities they have about themselves, those around them or their situations against them. A prime goal of this system is to grab and hold a person's attention and to cause dissociation and de-realization, and physical and mental disability. But the only "help" offered from society may easily escalate into a one-way trip to the psychiatry ward.
Targeting Phases
Usually targeting starts with trying to convince the target that their neighbors, colleagues or landlords are out to get them, in the hope that the targeted individual will lash out and go to prison, the psych ward and lose their job and house. It is not hard to drive a person over the edge in that way, as witnessed by the many shootings where something about mind-control, electromagnetic weapons or hearing voices was connected to the shooter's psychology.
When that first phase fails, the program switches to pulling targeted individuals into fantastical fringe conspiracy theories, concerning often used tropes from Hollywood and the mainstream media (UFOs, demons, time travel, being "chosen ones", etc). The synthetic telepathy often mimics the "psychic driving" technique known from the surviving MKULTRA documents.
Lastly when the target is still not down and out, the physical attacks are ramped up and the psychological attacks become more opportunistic - waiting for a moment when the target is open to suggestion, fatigued, had too much to drink or other compromising states. And then it lashes out - hard. It becomes a war of attrition that the target usually loses.
Our Mission
It is our mission to conclusively prove the use of these weapons on civilians, to do that well enough to have the results accepted with scientific rigor, and to finally hold those behind the attacks accountable for their heinous crimes against humanity.
Only a scientific and experimental approach may yield results.
We are Subliminal Industries. We are growing. We are discovering.
We will prevail!