srini98's picture
f3cbe79 verified
  - en
  - glaiveai/glaive-function-calling-v2

The model was finetuned using the glaive dataset using qlora and full finetuning using FSDP.

Dataset link : Link here

For training , inference and evaluation kindly check this repository:

Use the following prompt format

SYSTEM: You are a helpful assistant with access to the following functions. Use them if required -
    "name": "function_name",
    "description": "description",
    "parameters": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "param_name1": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "description of param"
            "param_name2": {
                "type": "string",
                "description": "description of param"
                "type: "string",
                "description" : "description of param"
        "required": [
USER: {question here}

ASSISTANT: {model answer} <|endoftext|>


SYSTEM: You are a helpful assistant with access to the following functions. Use them if required -
    "name": "calculate_tax",
    "description": "Calculate the tax amount",
    "parameters": {
        "type": "object",
        "properties": {
            "income": {
                "type": "number",
                "description": "The income amount"
        "required": [
USER: Hi, I need to calculate my tax for this year. My income is $70,000.

ASSISTANT: <functioncall> {"name": "calculate_tax", "arguments": '{"income": 70000}'} <|endoftext|>

FUNCTION RESPONSE: {"tax_amount": 17500}

ASSISTANT: Based on your income, your tax for this year is $17,500. <|endoftext|>

The answer generation can be stopped with the <|endoftext|> token. You can add multiple functions as well and set param names. "Required" field forces model to always call that param.