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pipeline_tag: automatic-speech-recognition
- pytorch
- speechbrain
license: apache-2.0
- switchboard
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# wav2vec 2.0 with CTC/Attention trained on Switchboard (No LM)
This repository provides all the necessary tools to perform automatic speech
recognition from an end-to-end system pretrained on the Switchboard corpus within
SpeechBrain. For a better experience, we encourage you to learn more about
The performance of the model is the following:
| Release | Swbd SER | Callhome SER | Eval2000 SER | Swbd WER | Callhome WER | Eval2000 WER | GPUs |
| 17-09-22 | 48.60 | 55.76 | 52.96 | 8 .76 | 14.67 | 11.78 | 4xA100 40GB |
## Pipeline description
This ASR system is composed of 2 different but linked blocks:
- Tokenizer (unigram) that transforms words into subword units trained on the Switchboard training transcripts and the Fisher corpus.
- Acoustic model (wav2vec2.0 + CTC). A pretrained wav2vec 2.0 model ([facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60](https://huggingface.co/facebook/wav2vec2-large-lv60)) is combined with two DNN layers and finetuned on Switchboard
The obtained final acoustic representation is given to the CTC greedy decoder.
The system is trained with recordings sampled at 16kHz (single channel).
The code will automatically normalize your audio (i.e., resampling + mono channel selection) when calling *transcribe_file* if needed.
## Install SpeechBrain
First of all, please install tranformers and SpeechBrain with the following command:
pip install speechbrain transformers
Please notice that we encourage you to read our tutorials and learn more about
### Transcribing your own audio files
from speechbrain.pretrained import EncoderASR
asr_model = EncoderASR.from_hparams(source="speechbrain/asr-wav2vec2-switchboard", savedir="pretrained_models/asr-wav2vec2-switchboard")
### Inference on GPU
To perform inference on the GPU, add `run_opts={"device":"cuda"}` when calling the `from_hparams` method.
### Training
The model was trained with SpeechBrain (Commit hash: '70904d0').
To train it from scratch follow these steps:
1. Clone SpeechBrain:
git clone https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain/
2. Install it:
cd speechbrain
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
3. Run Training:
cd recipes/Switchboard/ASR/CTC/
python train_with_wav2vec.py hparams/train_with_wav2vec.yaml --data_folder=your_data_folder
### Limitations
The SpeechBrain team does not provide any warranty on the performance achieved by this model when used on other datasets.
#### Referencing SpeechBrain
author = {Ravanelli, Mirco and Parcollet, Titouan and Rouhe, Aku and Plantinga, Peter and Rastorgueva, Elena and Lugosch, Loren and Dawalatabad, Nauman and Ju-Chieh, Chou and Heba, Abdel and Grondin, Francois and Aris, William and Liao, Chien-Feng and Cornell, Samuele and Yeh, Sung-Lin and Na, Hwidong and Gao, Yan and Fu, Szu-Wei and Subakan, Cem and De Mori, Renato and Bengio, Yoshua },
title = {SpeechBrain},
year = {2021},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\\\\url{https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain}},
#### About SpeechBrain
SpeechBrain is an open-source and all-in-one speech toolkit. It is designed to be simple, extremely flexible, and user-friendly. Competitive or state-of-the-art performance is obtained in various domains.
Website: https://speechbrain.github.io/
GitHub: https://github.com/speechbrain/speechbrain