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import copy
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict
import gymnasium as gym
import numpy as np
from ding.envs import BaseEnv, BaseEnvTimestep
from ding.envs import ObsPlusPrevActRewWrapper
from ding.torch_utils import to_ndarray
from ding.utils import ENV_REGISTRY
from easydict import EasyDict
class CartPoleEnv(BaseEnv):
LightZero version of the classic CartPole environment. This class includes methods for resetting, closing, and
stepping through the environment, as well as seeding for reproducibility, saving replay videos, and generating random
actions. It also includes properties for accessing the observation space, action space, and reward space of the
config = dict(
# env_name (str): The name of the environment.
# replay_path (str): The path to save the replay video. If None, the replay will not be saved.
# Only effective when env_manager.type is 'base'.
def default_config(cls: type) -> EasyDict:
cfg = EasyDict(copy.deepcopy(cls.config))
cfg.cfg_type = cls.__name__ + 'Dict'
return cfg
def __init__(self, cfg: dict = {}) -> None:
Initialize the environment with a configuration dictionary. Sets up spaces for observations, actions, and rewards.
self._cfg = cfg
self._init_flag = False
self._continuous = False
self._replay_path = cfg.replay_path
self._observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(
low=np.array([-4.8, float("-inf"), -0.42, float("-inf")]),
high=np.array([4.8, float("inf"), 0.42, float("inf")]),
self._action_space = gym.spaces.Discrete(2)
self._action_space.seed(0) # default seed
self._reward_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=(1,), dtype=np.float32)
def reset(self) -> Dict[str, np.ndarray]:
Reset the environment. If it hasn't been initialized yet, this method also handles that. It also handles seeding
if necessary. Returns the first observation.
if not self._init_flag:
self._env = gym.make('CartPole-v0', render_mode="rgb_array")
if self._replay_path is not None:
timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S")
video_name = f'{}-video-{timestamp}'
self._env = gym.wrappers.RecordVideo(
episode_trigger=lambda episode_id: True,
if hasattr(self._cfg, 'obs_plus_prev_action_reward') and self._cfg.obs_plus_prev_action_reward:
self._env = ObsPlusPrevActRewWrapper(self._env)
self._init_flag = True
if hasattr(self, '_seed') and hasattr(self, '_dynamic_seed') and self._dynamic_seed:
np_seed = 100 * np.random.randint(1, 1000)
self._seed = self._seed + np_seed
obs, _ = self._env.reset(seed=self._seed)
elif hasattr(self, '_seed'):
obs, _ = self._env.reset(seed=self._seed)
obs, _ = self._env.reset()
self._observation_space = self._env.observation_space
self._eval_episode_return = 0
obs = to_ndarray(obs)
action_mask = np.ones(self.action_space.n, 'int8')
obs = {'observation': obs, 'action_mask': action_mask, 'to_play': -1}
return obs
def step(self, action: Union[int, np.ndarray]) -> BaseEnvTimestep:
Perform a step in the environment using the provided action, and return the next state of the environment.
The next state is encapsulated in a BaseEnvTimestep object, which includes the new observation, reward,
done flag, and info dictionary.
- action (:obj:`Union[int, np.ndarray]`): The action to be performed in the environment. If the action is
a 1-dimensional numpy array, it is squeezed to a 0-dimension array.
- timestep (:obj:`BaseEnvTimestep`): An object containing the new observation, reward, done flag,
and info dictionary.
.. note::
- The cumulative reward (`_eval_episode_return`) is updated with the reward obtained in this step.
- If the episode ends (done is True), the total reward for the episode is stored in the info dictionary
under the key 'eval_episode_return'.
- An action mask is created with ones, which represents the availability of each action in the action space.
- Observations are returned in a dictionary format containing 'observation', 'action_mask', and 'to_play'.
if isinstance(action, np.ndarray) and action.shape == (1,):
action = action.squeeze() # 0-dim array
obs, rew, terminated, truncated, info = self._env.step(action)
done = terminated or truncated
self._eval_episode_return += rew
if done:
info['eval_episode_return'] = self._eval_episode_return
action_mask = np.ones(self.action_space.n, 'int8')
obs = {'observation': obs, 'action_mask': action_mask, 'to_play': -1}
return BaseEnvTimestep(obs, rew, done, info)
def close(self) -> None:
Close the environment, and set the initialization flag to False.
if self._init_flag:
self._init_flag = False
def seed(self, seed: int, dynamic_seed: bool = True) -> None:
Set the seed for the environment's random number generator. Can handle both static and dynamic seeding.
self._seed = seed
self._dynamic_seed = dynamic_seed
def enable_save_replay(self, replay_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
Enable the saving of replay videos. If no replay path is given, a default is used.
if replay_path is None:
replay_path = './video'
self._replay_path = replay_path
def random_action(self) -> np.ndarray:
Generate a random action using the action space's sample method. Returns a numpy array containing the action.
random_action = self.action_space.sample()
random_action = to_ndarray([random_action], dtype=np.int64)
return random_action
def observation_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Space:
Property to access the observation space of the environment.
return self._observation_space
def action_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Space:
Property to access the action space of the environment.
return self._action_space
def reward_space(self) -> gym.spaces.Space:
Property to access the reward space of the environment.
return self._reward_space
def __repr__(self) -> str:
String representation of the environment.
return "LightZero CartPole Env"