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import copy
import random
from typing import Union, Tuple, List, Dict
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from ding.model import FCEncoder, ConvEncoder
from ding.reward_model.base_reward_model import BaseRewardModel
from ding.torch_utils.data_helper import to_tensor
from ding.utils import RunningMeanStd
from ding.utils import SequenceType, REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY
from easydict import EasyDict
class RNDNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], hidden_size_list: SequenceType) -> None:
super(RNDNetwork, self).__init__()
if isinstance(obs_shape, int) or len(obs_shape) == 1: = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
self.predictor = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
elif len(obs_shape) == 3: = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
self.predictor = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
raise KeyError(
"not support obs_shape for pre-defined encoder: {}, please customize your own RND model".
for param in
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, obs: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
predict_feature = self.predictor(obs)
with torch.no_grad():
target_feature =
return predict_feature, target_feature
class RNDNetworkRepr(nn.Module):
The RND reward model class ( with representation network.
def __init__(self, obs_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], latent_shape: Union[int, SequenceType], hidden_size_list: SequenceType,
representation_network) -> None:
super(RNDNetworkRepr, self).__init__()
self.representation_network = representation_network
if isinstance(obs_shape, int) or len(obs_shape) == 1: = FCEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
self.predictor = FCEncoder(latent_shape, hidden_size_list)
elif len(obs_shape) == 3: = ConvEncoder(obs_shape, hidden_size_list)
self.predictor = ConvEncoder(latent_shape, hidden_size_list)
raise KeyError(
"not support obs_shape for pre-defined encoder: {}, please customize your own RND model".
for param in
param.requires_grad = False
def forward(self, obs: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
predict_feature = self.predictor(self.representation_network(obs))
with torch.no_grad():
target_feature =
return predict_feature, target_feature
class RNDRewardModel(BaseRewardModel):
The RND reward model class ( modified for MuZero.
``estimate``, ``train``, ``collect_data``, ``clear_data``, \
``__init__``, ``_train``, ``load_state_dict``, ``state_dict``
== ==================== ===== ============= ======================================= =======================
ID Symbol Type Default Value Description Other(Shape)
== ==================== ===== ============= ======================================= =======================
1 ``type`` str rnd | Reward model register name, refer |
| to registry ``REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY`` |
2 | ``intrinsic_`` str add | the intrinsic reward type | including add, new
| ``reward_type`` | | , or assign
3 | ``learning_rate`` float 0.001 | The step size of gradient descent |
4 | ``batch_size`` int 64 | Training batch size |
5 | ``hidden`` list [64, 64, | the MLP layer shape |
| ``_size_list`` (int) 128] | |
6 | ``update_per_`` int 100 | Number of updates per collect |
| ``collect`` | |
7 | ``input_norm`` bool True | Observation normalization |
8 | ``input_norm_`` int 0 | min clip value for obs normalization |
| ``clamp_min``
9 | ``input_norm_`` int 1 | max clip value for obs normalization |
| ``clamp_max``
10 | ``intrinsic_`` float 0.01 | the weight of intrinsic reward | r = w*r_i + r_e
11 | ``extrinsic_`` bool True | Whether to normlize extrinsic reward
12 | ``extrinsic_`` int 1 | the upper bound of the reward
``reward_norm_max`` | normalization
== ==================== ===== ============= ======================================= =======================
config = dict(
# (str) Reward model register name, refer to registry ``REWARD_MODEL_REGISTRY``.
# (str) The intrinsic reward type, including add, new, or assign.
# (float) The step size of gradient descent.
# (float) Batch size.
# (list(int)) Sequence of ``hidden_size`` of reward network.
# If obs.shape == 1, use MLP layers.
# If obs.shape == 3, use conv layer and final dense layer.
hidden_size_list=[64, 64, 128],
# (int) How many updates(iterations) to train after collector's one collection.
# Bigger "update_per_collect" means bigger off-policy.
# collect data -> update policy-> collect data -> ...
# (bool) Observation normalization: transform obs to mean 0, std 1.
# (int) Min clip value for observation normalization.
# (int) Max clip value for observation normalization.
# Means the relative weight of RND intrinsic_reward.
# (float) The weight of intrinsic reward
# r = intrinsic_reward_weight * r_i + r_e.
# (bool) Whether to normalize extrinsic reward.
# Normalize the reward to [0, extrinsic_reward_norm_max].
# (int) The upper bound of the reward normalization.
def __init__(self, config: EasyDict, device: str = 'cpu', tb_logger: 'SummaryWriter' = None,
representation_network: nn.Module = None, target_representation_network: nn.Module = None,
use_momentum_representation_network: bool = True) -> None: # noqa
super(RNDRewardModel, self).__init__()
self.cfg = config
self.representation_network = representation_network
self.target_representation_network = target_representation_network
self.use_momentum_representation_network = use_momentum_representation_network
self.input_type = self.cfg.input_type
assert self.input_type in ['obs', 'latent_state', 'obs_latent_state'], self.input_type
self.device = device
assert self.device == "cpu" or self.device.startswith("cuda")
self.rnd_buffer_size = config.rnd_buffer_size
self.intrinsic_reward_type = self.cfg.intrinsic_reward_type
if tb_logger is None:
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
tb_logger = SummaryWriter('rnd_reward_model')
self.tb_logger = tb_logger
if self.input_type == 'obs':
self.input_shape = self.cfg.obs_shape
self.reward_model = RNDNetwork(self.input_shape, self.cfg.hidden_size_list).to(self.device)
elif self.input_type == 'latent_state':
self.input_shape = self.cfg.latent_state_dim
self.reward_model = RNDNetwork(self.input_shape, self.cfg.hidden_size_list).to(self.device)
elif self.input_type == 'obs_latent_state':
if self.use_momentum_representation_network:
self.reward_model = RNDNetworkRepr(self.cfg.obs_shape, self.cfg.latent_state_dim, self.cfg.hidden_size_list[0:-1],
self.reward_model = RNDNetworkRepr(self.cfg.obs_shape, self.cfg.latent_state_dim, self.cfg.hidden_size_list[0:-1],
assert self.intrinsic_reward_type in ['add', 'new', 'assign']
if self.input_type in ['obs', 'obs_latent_state']:
self.train_obs = []
if self.input_type == 'latent_state':
self.train_latent_state = []
self._optimizer_rnd = torch.optim.Adam(
self.reward_model.predictor.parameters(), lr=self.cfg.learning_rate, weight_decay=self.cfg.weight_decay
self._running_mean_std_rnd_reward = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4)
self._running_mean_std_rnd_obs = RunningMeanStd(epsilon=1e-4)
self.estimate_cnt_rnd = 0
self.train_cnt_rnd = 0
def _train_with_data_one_step(self) -> None:
if self.input_type in ['obs', 'obs_latent_state']:
train_data = random.sample(self.train_obs, self.cfg.batch_size)
elif self.input_type == 'latent_state':
train_data = random.sample(self.train_latent_state, self.cfg.batch_size)
train_data = torch.stack(train_data).to(self.device)
if self.cfg.input_norm:
# Note: observation normalization: transform obs to mean 0, std 1
normalized_train_data = (train_data - to_tensor(self._running_mean_std_rnd_obs.mean).to(
self.device)) / to_tensor(
train_data = torch.clamp(normalized_train_data, min=self.cfg.input_norm_clamp_min,
predict_feature, target_feature = self.reward_model(train_data)
loss = F.mse_loss(predict_feature, target_feature)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward_model/rnd_mse_loss', loss, self.train_cnt_rnd)
def train_with_data(self) -> None:
for _ in range(self.cfg.update_per_collect):
# for name, param in self.reward_model.named_parameters():
# if param.grad is not None:
# print(f"{name}: {torch.isnan(param.grad).any()}, {torch.isinf(param.grad).any()}")
# print(f"{name}: grad min: {param.grad.min()}, grad max: {param.grad.max()}")
# # enable the following line to check whether there is nan or inf in the gradient.
# torch.autograd.set_detect_anomaly(True)
self.train_cnt_rnd += 1
def estimate(self, data: list) -> List[Dict]:
Rewrite the reward key in each row of the data.
# current_batch, target_batch = data
# obs_batch_orig, action_batch, mask_batch, indices, weights, make_time = current_batch
# target_reward, target_value, target_policy = target_batch
obs_batch_orig = data[0][0]
target_reward = data[1][0]
batch_size = obs_batch_orig.shape[0]
# reshape to (4, 2835, 6)
obs_batch_tmp = np.reshape(obs_batch_orig, (batch_size, self.cfg.obs_shape, 6))
# reshape to (24, 2835)
obs_batch_tmp = np.reshape(obs_batch_tmp, (batch_size * 6, self.cfg.obs_shape))
if self.input_type == 'latent_state':
with torch.no_grad():
latent_state = self.representation_network(torch.from_numpy(obs_batch_tmp).to(self.device))
input_data = latent_state
elif self.input_type in ['obs', 'obs_latent_state']:
input_data = to_tensor(obs_batch_tmp).to(self.device)
# NOTE: deepcopy reward part of data is very important,
# otherwise the reward of data in the replay buffer will be incorrectly modified.
target_reward_augmented = copy.deepcopy(target_reward)
target_reward_augmented = np.reshape(target_reward_augmented, (batch_size * 6, 1))
if self.cfg.input_norm:
# add this line to avoid inplace operation on the original tensor.
input_data = input_data.clone()
# Note: observation normalization: transform obs to mean 0, std 1
input_data = (input_data - to_tensor(self._running_mean_std_rnd_obs.mean
).to(self.device)) / to_tensor(self._running_mean_std_rnd_obs.std).to(
input_data = torch.clamp(input_data, min=self.cfg.input_norm_clamp_min, max=self.cfg.input_norm_clamp_max)
input_data = input_data
with torch.no_grad():
predict_feature, target_feature = self.reward_model(input_data)
mse = F.mse_loss(predict_feature, target_feature, reduction='none').mean(dim=1)
# Note: according to the min-max normalization, transform rnd reward to [0,1]
rnd_reward = (mse - mse.min()) / (mse.max() - mse.min() + 1e-6)
# save the rnd_reward statistics into tb_logger
self.estimate_cnt_rnd += 1
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward_model/rnd_reward_max', rnd_reward.max(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward_model/rnd_reward_mean', rnd_reward.mean(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward_model/rnd_reward_min', rnd_reward.min(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('rnd_reward_model/rnd_reward_std', rnd_reward.std(), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
rnd_reward =
if self.intrinsic_reward_type == 'add':
if self.cfg.extrinsic_reward_norm:
target_reward_augmented = target_reward_augmented / self.cfg.extrinsic_reward_norm_max + rnd_reward * self.cfg.intrinsic_reward_weight
target_reward_augmented = target_reward_augmented + rnd_reward * self.cfg.intrinsic_reward_weight
elif self.intrinsic_reward_type == 'new':
if self.cfg.extrinsic_reward_norm:
target_reward_augmented = target_reward_augmented / self.cfg.extrinsic_reward_norm_max
elif self.intrinsic_reward_type == 'assign':
target_reward_augmented = rnd_reward
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('augmented_reward/reward_max', np.max(target_reward_augmented), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('augmented_reward/reward_mean', np.mean(target_reward_augmented),
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('augmented_reward/reward_min', np.min(target_reward_augmented), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
self.tb_logger.add_scalar('augmented_reward/reward_std', np.std(target_reward_augmented), self.estimate_cnt_rnd)
# reshape to (target_reward_augmented.shape[0], 6, 1)
target_reward_augmented = np.reshape(target_reward_augmented, (batch_size, 6, 1))
data[1][0] = target_reward_augmented
train_data_augmented = data
return train_data_augmented
def collect_data(self, data: list) -> None:
# TODO(pu): now we only collect the first 300 steps of each game segment.
collected_transitions = np.concatenate([game_segment.obs_segment[:300] for game_segment in data[0]], axis=0)
if self.input_type == 'latent_state':
with torch.no_grad():
elif self.input_type == 'obs':
elif self.input_type == 'obs_latent_state':
def clear_old_data(self) -> None:
if self.input_type == 'latent_state':
if len(self.train_latent_state) >= self.cfg.rnd_buffer_size:
self.train_latent_state = self.train_latent_state[-self.cfg.rnd_buffer_size:]
elif self.input_type == 'obs':
if len(self.train_obs) >= self.cfg.rnd_buffer_size:
self.train_obs = self.train_obs[-self.cfg.rnd_buffer_size:]
elif self.input_type == 'obs_latent_state':
if len(self.train_obs) >= self.cfg.rnd_buffer_size:
self.train_obs = self.train_obs[-self.cfg.rnd_buffer_size:]
def state_dict(self) -> Dict:
return self.reward_model.state_dict()
def load_state_dict(self, _state_dict: Dict) -> None:
def clear_data(self):
def train(self):