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{"AAPI": "Asian American and Pacific Islander Studies", "AAS": "African American Studies", "AESE": "Architecture Based Enterprise Systems Engineering", "AIP": "Academic Internship Program", "ANAR": "Anthropological Archaeology", "ANBI": "Anthropology/ Biological Anthropology", "ANES": "Anesthesiology", "ANSC": "Anthro/ Sociocultural Anthropology", "ANTH": "Anthropology", "AUD": "Audiology", "AWP": "Analytical\u00a0Writing Program", "BENG": "Bioengineering", "BGGN": "Biology/ Grad/ General", "BGJC": "Biology/ Grad/ Journal Club", "BGRD": "Biology/ Grad/ Research Discussion", "BGSE": "Biology/ Grad/ Seminar", "BIBC": "Biology/ Biochemistry", "BICD": "Biology/ Genetics, Cellular and Developmental", "BIEB": "Biology/ Ecology, Behavior, and Evolutionary", "BILD": "Biology/ Lower Division", "BIMM": "Biology/ Molecular Biology, Microbiology", "BIOM": "Biomedical Sciences", "BIPN": "Biology/ Animal Physiology and Neuroscience", "BISP": "Biology/ Special Studies", "BNFO": "Bioinformatics", "CAT": "Culture, Art, and Technology", "CCS": "Climate Change Studies", "CENG": "Chemical Engineering", "CGS": "Critical Gender Studies", "CHEM": "Chemistry and Biochemistry", "CHIN": "Chinese Studies", "CLAS": "Classical Studies", "CLIN": "Clinical Psychology", "CLRE": "Clinical Research", "CLSS": "Classics", "CMM": "Cellular & Molecular Medicine", "COGR": "Communication/ Graduate", "COGS": "Cognitive Science", "COMM": "Communication", "CONT": "Contemporary Issues", "CSE": "Computer Science and Engineering", "CSS": "Computational Social Science", "DDPM": "Drug Development and Product Management", "DERM": "Dermatology", "DOC": "Dimensions of Culture", "DSC": "Data Science", "DSE": "Data Science and Engineering", "DSGN": "Design", "EAP": "Education Abroad Program", "ECE": "Electrical and Computer Engineering", "ECON": "Economics", "EDS": "Education Studies", "EMED": "Emergency Medicine", "ENG": "Engineering", "ENVR": "Environmental Studies", "ERC": "Eleanor Roosevelt College", "ESYS": "Environmental Systems", "ETHN": "Ethnic Studies", "ETIM": "Ethnic Studies/ Interdisciplinary Research Methods", "EXPR": "Exchange Programs", "FILM": "Film Studies", "FMPH": "Family Medicine and Public Health", "FPM": "Family and Preventive Medicine", "GLBH": "Global Health", "GMST": "German Studies Program", "GPCO": "GPS/ Core", "GPEC": "GPS/ Economics", "GPGN": "GPS/ General", "GPIM": "GPS/ International Management", "GPLA": "GPS/ Language", "GPPA": "GPS/ Policy Analytics", "GPPS": "GPS/ Political Science", "GSS": "Global South Studies", "HDP": "Human Development Program", "HDS": "Human Developmental Sciences", "HIAF": "History of Africa", "HIEA": "History of East Asia", "HIEU": "History of Europe", "HIGL": "History, Global", "HIGR": "History, Graduate", "HILA": "History of Latin America", "HILD": "History, Lower Division", "HINE": "History of the Near East", "HISC": "History of Science", "HITO": "History Topics", "HIUS": "History of the United States", "HLAW": "Health Law", "HMNR": "Human Rights", "HUM": "Humanities", "ICAM": "Computing and the Arts", "ICEP": "Intercampus Exchange Program", "INTL": "International Studies", "IRLA": "International Relations/ Pacific Study-Language", "JAPN": "Japanese Studies", "JUDA": "Judaic Studies", "JWSP": "Jewish Studies Program", "LATI": "Latin American Studies", "LAWS": "Law and Society", "LHCO": "Leadership/ Health Care Organizations", "LIAB": "Linguistics/ Arabic", "LIDS": "Linguistics/ Directed Study-Language", "LIEO": "Linguistics/ Esperanto", "LIFR": "Linguistics/ French", "LIGM": "Linguistics/ German", "LIGN": "Linguistics/ General", "LIHI": "Linguistics/ Hindi", "LIHL": "Linguistics/ Heritage Languages", "LIIT": "Linguistics/ Italian", "LIPO": "Linguistics/ Portuguese", "LISL": "Linguistics/ American Sign Language", "LISP": "Linguistics/ Spanish", "LTAF": "Literature/ African", "LTAM": "Literature of the Americas", "LTCH": "Literature/ Chinese", "LTCO": "Literature/ Comparative", "LTCS": "Literature/ Cultural Studies", "LTEA": "Literatures/ East Asian", "LTEN": "Literatures in English", "LTEU": "Literature/ European and Eurasian", "LTFR": "Literature/ French", "LTGK": "Literature/ Greek", "LTGM": "Literature/ German", "LTIT": "Literature/ Italian", "LTKO": "Literature/ Korean", "LTLA": "Literature/ Latin", "LTRU": "Literature/ Russian", "LTSP": "Literature/ Spanish", "LTTH": "Literature/ Theory", "LTWL": "Literatures of the World", "LTWR": "Literature/ Writing", "MAE": "Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering", "MATH": "Mathematics", "MATS": "Materials Science and Engineering", "MBC": "Marine Biodiversity & Conservation", "MCWP": "Muir College Writing Program", "MDE": "Medical Device Engineering", "MED": "Medicine", "MGT": "Rady School of Management", "MGTA": "Rady School of Management Business Analytics", "MGTF": "Rady School of Management Finance", "MGTP": "Rady School of Management Professional Accountancy", "MMW": "Making of the Modern World", "MSED": "Mathematics and Science Education", "MSP": "Muir Special Projects", "MUIR": "Muir College", "MUS": "Music", "NANO": "Nanoengineering", "NEU": "Neurosciences", "NEUG": "Neurosciences/ Graduate", "OBG": "Obstetrics and Gynecology", "OPTH": "Ophthalmology", "ORTH": "Orthopedics", "PATH": "Pathology", "PEDS": "Pediatrics", "PHAR": "Pharmacology", "PHIL": "Philosophy", "PHYA": "Physics/ Astronomy", "PHYS": "Physics", "POLI": "Political Science", "PSY": "Psychiatry", "PSYC": "Psychology", "RAD": "Radiology", "RELI": "Religion, Study of", "REV": "Revelle College", "RMAS": "Radiation Medicine and Applied Sciences", "RMED": "Reproductive Medicine", "SE": "Structural Engineering", "SEV": "Seventh College", "SIO": "Scripps Institution of Oceanography", "SIOB": "Scripps Institution of Oceanography/ Ocean Biosciences Program", "SIOC": null, "SIOG": null, "SOCE": "Sociology/ Individual Research and Honors Project", "SOCG": "Sociology/ Graduate", "SOCI": "Sociology", "SOCL": "Sociology/ Lower Division", "SOMC": "School of Medicine Core Courses", "SOMI": "School of Medicine Interdisciplinary", "SPPH": "SSPPS/ Pharmaceutical Sciences", "SPPS": "Pharmacy", "SURG": "Surgery", "SXTH": "Sixth College", "SYN": "Synthesis Program", "TDAC": "Theatre/ Acting", "TDDE": "Theatre/ Design", "TDDM": "Dance/ Dance Making", "TDDR": "Theatre/ Directing and Stage Management", "TDGE": "Theatre/ General", "TDGR": "Theatre/ Graduate", "TDHD": "Dance/ History", "TDHT": "Theatre/ History & Theory", "TDMV": "Dance/ Movement", "TDPF": "Dance/ Performance", "TDPR": "Theatre Dance/ Practicum", "TDPW": "Theatre/ Playwriting", "TDTR": "Dance/ Theory", "TKS": "Transnational Korean Studies", "TMC": "Thurgood Marshall College", "TWS": "Third World Studies", "UROL": "Urology", "USP": "Urban Studies and Planning", "VIS": "Visual Arts", "WARR": "Warren College", "WCWP": "Warren College Writing Program", "WES": "Wireless Embedded Systems"}