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import asyncio
import aiohttp
import json
from tqdm.asyncio import tqdm
test_texts = [
"You can reach me at triple eight, then the square of 7, followed by 2^10",
"Drop a line to first_name [underscore] last_name at that company with a fruit logo dot com",
"Find me on the platform where professionals connect: J. Doe, Senior Developer at TechCorp",
"Message me on that app with the ghost icon: @ShadowWhisperer2023",
"Contact via carrier pigeon: coordinates 40.7128° N, 74.0060° W",
"Ping me on the federated network:",
"My contact is the reverse of moc.elpmaxe@eodnhoj",
"Reach out using morse: -... -.-- -....- . -- .- .. .-..",
"Find me on the platform with blue checkmarks: @RealJohnDoe (parody)",
"Send a message to username 'l33tc0d3r' on that platform for developers",
"You can locate me at the place where the streets have no name, in the city of angels",
"My digits are the Fibonacci sequence up to 21, concatenated",
"Contact: foxtrot oscar oscar at bravo alpha romeo dot charlie oscar mike",
"Beep me at the number you get when you multiply 555 by 1.5, then add 867-5309",
"I'm on that app where you share shortvideos: @Dancing2023",
"Reach out via electronic mail to 'lastnamefirstinitial' at that search engine company dot com",
"Call me at the number you get when you solve this equation: 2x + 5 = 13, then 555-MATH",
"My handle on that photo-sharing app is @SunsetSnapper_42",
"You can find me at the intersection of Binary Boulevard and Algorithm Avenue",
"Contact info: romeo oscar charlie kilo echo tango mike alpha november at zulu uniform lima uniform dot india oscar",
"Find me at 51.4778° N, and solve for x: x - 0.0019 = 0.1278° W",
"DM me at 📧👤💻🐦. Guess the platform 😉",
"If you add 2 to the area code of Los Angeles, you'll find the first 3 digits of my number",
"Ping me on the platform with 2 birds in its logo (and no, it's not a zoo!)",
"You can decode my email address: base64 for JmRvZGVAc2FtcGxlLmNvbQ==",
"You’ll find me on the platform that rhymes with 'squeaker' and involves chirps",
"If you reverse the letters of and remove 'moc', you'll get my contact",
"For inquiries, try contacting me at 'first name.last name', but think of the sound fruit makes when it's dropped",
"Use morse to reach out: dash dot dot dash underscore underscore dash dot dot (first name at techcorp dot com)",
"Contact: solve 5x - 3 = 12 for x, that’s my lucky number for the area code, followed by the square root of 144 for the rest",
"Reach out on that site where professionals connect, my name rhymes with 'noe' and I’m a senior engineer at T-Corp",
"Shoot me a message on the photo-sharing app where sunsets get all the likes: handle is the same as my name in reverse",
"If you count the number of words in 'five stars' you'll get the first two digits of my handle on that coding platform",
"My email is hidden: find the cube root of 27, followed by the first name of a famous fruit and 'dot com'",
"If you multiply the number of days in March by 5, you'll get my contact digits",
"Contact me on the short-video app, my handle starts with a 'D' and ends with '23'!",
"Try to find me where algorithms reign and the search begins: think of a query that contains my last name and 'solutions'",
"Use binary to get my location: 01000101 01001110 01000111",
"You can ping me at 'bestcoder42' on the app where code flows like water",
"My digits: sum of first four Fibonacci numbers for the area code, and the next three for the phone number",
"Find me at 51.4778° N, and solve for x: x - 0.0019 = 0.1278° W",
"DM me at 📧👤💻🐦. Guess the platform 😉",
"If you add 2 to the area code of Los Angeles, you'll find the rest of my digits hiding nearby",
"Ping me at 'FirstnameLastname reversed' at that search company 🧐",
"The sum of the first two primes gives you the first part of my number, and 10 squared gets you the rest",
"Drop a message on the 'app named after a bird' to @JohnDoe2024 🌐",
"Morse this one: .... . .-.. .-.. --- @ secret-agent",
"Let’s connect: 3rd letter of my last name, then an underscore, then my birth year at fruit-company dot com 🍏",
"I'm on the platform for professionals but my handle is just a smiley face, hint hint 😉",
"Look up the coordinates of Big Ben and you might just find where I hang out 🕰️",
"Combine the atomic number of helium with my favorite fruit and you'll get my email",
"Find me at 'underscore emoji fan' at the app where people share funny short videos 🤳",
"Think of the number 404, then multiply it by 2, that’s the area code. The rest is easy!",
"I'm always up for a chat, just decode 01000011 01100001 01101100 01101100",
"I’m @SilentWhisper42 on the app where conversations vanish into thin air 👻",
"Track me down with this: Alpha-Bravo-Charlie at that company with flying machines ✈️",
"Ever heard of Fibonacci? My digits follow the pattern, up to 21",
"Search for the name of the singer of 'Rocket Man,' and you'll have part of my contact info 🧑🚀",
"Just send a message to 'TechWizard' at the email service that rhymes with whale-mail 🐋",
"My username on that site for devs is 'leet_hacker', but you’ll need to solve for x to figure out the rest!",
"My digits? Picture the number of planets in the solar system before 2006, then square it.",
"If you know the atomic numbers of oxygen and hydrogen, combine them and you have my first two digits.",
"Contact me where knowledge is power, at the symbol of illumination followed by 'dot org'.",
"I'm @user and you'll find me on the app where one tweets, but reverse that bird's sound first.",
"Think of the area code for New York, subtract one, and you’re almost there.",
"Reach out at 'wizard@', then imagine the home of the brave and the land of the free, followed by 'com'.",
"My handle is a palindrome on that platform where people share their lives one square at a time.",
"Find me at the intersection of 7 squared and the cube root of 8, you'll know the digits.",
"Ping me at 'Firstname reversed' dot 'company with a shopping cart logo'.",
"Send a message to the name of the president in 1993 at the platform where developers share code.",
"You can reach me at the number that shares its name with a famous Chicago bull, then add 10.",
"Reach out on the platform with the blue checkmarks, where I’m known as '56/8'.",
"The username is easy if you know your ASCII: 83 117 110 83 101 116 52 50.",
"For contact info, divide the year Armstrong walked on the moon by two and add the last prime number.",
"You can email me at the world's largest retailer with a name that rhymes with 'Hamazon'.",
"Catch me on the app where professionals hang out: it’s the opposite of 'InTouch'.",
"Look for me on the 'bird app' where my handle is my initials followed by the number of days in a leap year.",
"Ping me at 'Jupiter's largest moon' dot 'the company that sends rockets into space'.",
"Reach out at the sum of the angles in a triangle, followed by 'degrees at mail dot com'.",
"Message me where bytes are shared: I go by '@user_hexadecimal_4D2' on that site.",
"You can send it to 🌍 world_dot_explorer @ 'web page where you explore the world'.",
"数字 4 (Chinese), then 'underscore', then 'techie' at the search giant.",
"Write to me at the country with a maple leaf symbol, at their email provider.",
"Feel free to ping me at Жака at mail dot ru (that’s Russian for Jack).",
"If you take the French word for 'sun' and add 'shine', that’s where you can reach me.",
"My digits? They hide in plain sight: 42-4*8+18. Just subtract the stars.",
"Drop me a line at 'developer' followed by the country code for India, dot com.",
"Where to find me? It's obvious: 'who's' dot 'this', at the dot that ends with 'gov'.",
"A long story short: email me at 'fruit-company', the one that used to be a tree 🌳.",
"You'll get my email by figuring out: my first pet’s name, the city I grew up in, dot org.",
"My number? It's encrypted as SHA-256. Just decode it and you'll know!",
"Write to me in the ancient language of the Romans: 'maximus at something_prime dot com'.",
"Reach out to the winner of 2022's football world cup at 'world champions dot com'.",
"Find me at the place where the Eiffel Tower stands tall, at dot 'home of baguettes'.",
"Hit me up via snail mail: Just translate 'rabbit' into Italian and add 'at Italian mail'.",
"My digits form a prime sequence starting from 11, just keep counting!",
"For my number, follow the clues hidden in Da Vinci's most famous painting."
import time
# url = ""
url = "http://localhost:8000/batch_detect_contact"
async def process_batch(session, texts):
payload = {"texts": texts}
headers = {"Content-Type": "application/json"}
start_time = time.time()
async with, data=json.dumps(payload), headers=headers) as response:
if response.status == 200:
results = await response.json()
end_time = time.time()
for result in results:
result['response_time'] = (end_time - start_time) / len(texts)
return results
print(f"Error for batch")
print(f"Status code: {response.status}")
print(f"Response: {await response.text()}")
return None
async def main():
# Inflate test_texts
inflated_texts = test_texts * 100 # Multiply the test set by 10
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
batch_size = 1000
batches = [inflated_texts[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(inflated_texts), batch_size)]
tasks = [process_batch(session, batch) for batch in batches]
all_results = await tqdm.gather(*tasks)
results = [item for sublist in all_results for item in sublist if sublist]
correct_predictions = 0
total_predictions = len(results)
total_response_time = 0
for result in results:
if result:
print(f"Text: {result['text']}")
print(f"Is Contact Info: {result['is_contact_info']}")
print(f"Method: {result['method']}")
print(f"Response Time: {result['response_time']:.4f} seconds")
# Assuming all texts in test_texts are actually contact information
if result['is_contact_info']:
correct_predictions += 1
total_response_time += result['response_time']
accuracy = correct_predictions / total_predictions
average_response_time = total_response_time / total_predictions
print(f"Accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}")
print(f"Average Response Time: {average_response_time:.4f} seconds")
if __name__ == "__main__":
while True: