File size: 7,336 Bytes
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import base64
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_chat import message
from streamlit_extras.colored_header import colored_header
from backend import QnASystem
from schema import TransformType, EmbeddingTypes, IndexerType, BotType
kwargs = {}
source_docs = []
st.set_page_config(page_title="PDFChat - An LLM-powered experimentation app")
if "qna_system" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.qna_system = QnASystem()
def show_pdf(f):
base64_pdf = base64.b64encode('utf-8')
pdf_display = f'<iframe src="data:application/pdf;base64,{base64_pdf}" width="700" height="800" ' \
st.markdown(pdf_display, unsafe_allow_html=True)
def model_settings():
kwargs["temperature"] = st.slider("Temperature", max_value=1.0, min_value=0.0)
kwargs["max_tokens"] = st.number_input("Max Token", min_value=0, value=512)
st.title("PDF Question and Answering")
tab1, tab2, tab3 = st.tabs(["Upload and Ingest PDF", "Ask", "Show PDF"])
with st.sidebar:
st.header("Advance Setting ⚙️")
require_pdf = st.checkbox("Show PDF", value=1)
kwargs["bot_type"] = st.selectbox("Bot Type", options=BotType)
st.text("Model Parameters")
kwargs["return_documents"] = st.checkbox("Require Source Documents", value=True)
text_transform = st.selectbox("Text Transformer", options=TransformType)
selected_model = st.selectbox("Select Model", options=EmbeddingTypes)
match selected_model:
case EmbeddingTypes.OPENAI:
api_key = st.text_input("OpenAI API Key", placeholder="sk-...", type="password")
if not api_key.startswith('sk-'):
st.warning('Please enter your OpenAI API key!', icon='⚠')
case EmbeddingTypes.HUGGING_FACE:
api_key = st.text_input("Hugging Face API Key", placeholder="hg-...", type="password")
if not api_key.startswith('hg-'):
st.warning('Please enter your HuggingFace API key!', icon='⚠')
kwargs["model_name"] = st.selectbox("Choose Model", options=["google/flan-t5-xxl"])
case EmbeddingTypes.COHERE:
api_key = st.text_input("Cohere API Key", placeholder="...", type="password")
if not api_key:
st.warning('Please enter your Cohere API key!', icon='⚠')
case _:
api_key = None
kwargs["api_key"] = api_key
vector_indexer = st.selectbox("Vector Indexer", options=IndexerType)
match vector_indexer:
case IndexerType.ELASTICSEARCH:
kwargs["elasticsearch_url"] = st.text_input("Elastic Search URL: ")
if not kwargs.get("elasticsearch_url"):
st.warning("Please enter your elastic search url", icon='⚠')
kwargs["elasticsearch_index"] = st.text_input("Elastic Search Index: ")
if not kwargs.get("elasticsearch_index"):
st.warning("Please enter your elastic search index", icon='⚠')
st.text("Chain Settings")
kwargs["chain_type"] = st.selectbox("Chain Type", options=["stuff", "map_reduce"])
kwargs["search_type"] = st.selectbox("Search Type", options=["similarity"])
with tab1:
uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload and Ingest PDF 🚀", type="pdf")
if uploaded_file:
with st.spinner("Uploading and Ingesting"):
documents = st.session_state.qna_system.read_and_load_pdf(uploaded_file)
if selected_model == EmbeddingTypes.NA:
st.warning("Please select the model", icon='⚠')
st.session_state.qna_system.build_chain(transform_type=text_transform, embedding_type=selected_model,
indexer_type=vector_indexer, **kwargs)
def generate_response(prompt):
if prompt and uploaded_file:
response = st.session_state.qna_system.ask_question(prompt)
return response.get("answer", response.get("result", "")), response.get("source_documents")
return "", []
with tab2:
if not uploaded_file:
st.warning("Please upload PDF", icon='⚠')
match kwargs["bot_type"]:
case BotType.qna:
with st.container():
with st.form('my_form'):
text = st.text_area("", placeholder='Ask me...')
submitted = st.form_submit_button('Submit')
if text:
response, source_docs = generate_response(text)
case BotType.conversational:
# Generate empty lists for generated and past.
## generated stores AI generated responses
if 'generated' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['generated'] = ["Hi! I'm PDF Assistant 🤖, How may I help you?"]
## past stores User's questions
if 'past' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state['past'] = ['Hi!']
input_container = st.container()
colored_header(label='', description='', color_name='blue-30')
response_container = st.container()
response = ""
def get_text():
input_text = st.text_input("You: ", "", key="input")
return input_text
with input_container:
user_input = get_text()
if st.button("Clear"):
with response_container:
if user_input:
response, source_docs = generate_response(user_input)
if st.session_state['generated']:
for i in range(len(st.session_state['generated'])):
message(st.session_state['past'][i], is_user=True, key=str(i) + '_user')
message(st.session_state["generated"][i], key=str(i))
require_document = st.container()
if kwargs["return_documents"]:
with require_document:
with st.expander("Related Documents", expanded=False):
for source in source_docs:
metadata = source.metadata
st.write("{source} - {page_no}".format(source=metadata.get("source"),
with tab3:
if require_pdf and uploaded_file:
elif uploaded_file:
st.warning("Feature not enabled.", icon='⚠')
st.warning("Please upload PDF", icon='⚠')