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from .object cimport PyObject
cdef extern from "Python.h":
# 6.3 Sequence Protocol
bint PySequence_Check(object o)
# Return 1 if the object provides sequence protocol, and 0
# otherwise. This function always succeeds.
Py_ssize_t PySequence_Size(object o) except -1
# Returns the number of objects in sequence o on success, and -1
# on failure. For objects that do not provide sequence protocol,
# this is equivalent to the Python expression "len(o)".
Py_ssize_t PySequence_Length(object o) except -1
# Alternate name for PySequence_Size().
object PySequence_Concat(object o1, object o2)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the concatenation of o1 and o2 on success, and NULL on
# failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression "o1 +
# o2".
object PySequence_Repeat(object o, Py_ssize_t count)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the result of repeating sequence object o count times, or
# NULL on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression
# "o * count".
object PySequence_InPlaceConcat(object o1, object o2)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the concatenation of o1 and o2 on success, and NULL on
# failure. The operation is done in-place when o1 supports
# it. This is the equivalent of the Python expression "o1 += o2".
object PySequence_InPlaceRepeat(object o, Py_ssize_t count)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the result of repeating sequence object o count times, or
# NULL on failure. The operation is done in-place when o supports
# it. This is the equivalent of the Python expression "o *=
# count".
object PySequence_GetItem(object o, Py_ssize_t i)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the ith element of o, or NULL on failure. This is the
# equivalent of the Python expression "o[i]".
object PySequence_GetSlice(object o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the slice of sequence object o between i1 and i2, or NULL
# on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression
# "o[i1:i2]".
int PySequence_SetItem(object o, Py_ssize_t i, object v) except -1
# Assign object v to the ith element of o. Returns -1 on
# failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement "o[i] =
# v". This function does not steal a reference to v.
int PySequence_DelItem(object o, Py_ssize_t i) except -1
# Delete the ith element of object o. Returns -1 on failure. This
# is the equivalent of the Python statement "del o[i]".
int PySequence_SetSlice(object o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2, object v) except -1
# Assign the sequence object v to the slice in sequence object o
# from i1 to i2. This is the equivalent of the Python statement
# "o[i1:i2] = v".
int PySequence_DelSlice(object o, Py_ssize_t i1, Py_ssize_t i2) except -1
# Delete the slice in sequence object o from i1 to i2. Returns -1
# on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement "del
# o[i1:i2]".
int PySequence_Count(object o, object value) except -1
# Return the number of occurrences of value in o, that is, return
# the number of keys for which o[key] == value. On failure, return
# -1. This is equivalent to the Python expression
# "o.count(value)".
int PySequence_Contains(object o, object value) except -1
# Determine if o contains value. If an item in o is equal to
# value, return 1, otherwise return 0. On error, return -1. This
# is equivalent to the Python expression "value in o".
Py_ssize_t PySequence_Index(object o, object value) except -1
# Return the first index i for which o[i] == value. On error,
# return -1. This is equivalent to the Python expression
# "o.index(value)".
object PySequence_List(object o)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return a list object with the same contents as the arbitrary
# sequence o. The returned list is guaranteed to be new.
object PySequence_Tuple(object o)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return a tuple object with the same contents as the arbitrary
# sequence o or NULL on failure. If o is a tuple, a new reference
# will be returned, otherwise a tuple will be constructed with the
# appropriate contents. This is equivalent to the Python
# expression "tuple(o)".
object PySequence_Fast(object o, char *m)
# Return value: New reference.
# Returns the sequence o as a tuple, unless it is already a tuple
# or list, in which case o is returned. Use
# PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM() to access the members of the
# result. Returns NULL on failure. If the object is not a
# sequence, raises TypeError with m as the message text.
PyObject* PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM(object o, Py_ssize_t i)
# Return value: Borrowed reference.
# Return the ith element of o, assuming that o was returned by
# PySequence_Fast(), o is not NULL, and that i is within bounds.
PyObject** PySequence_Fast_ITEMS(object o)
# Return the underlying array of PyObject pointers. Assumes that o
# was returned by PySequence_Fast() and o is not NULL.
object PySequence_ITEM(object o, Py_ssize_t i)
# Return value: New reference.
# Return the ith element of o or NULL on failure. Macro form of
# PySequence_GetItem() but without checking that
# PySequence_Check(o) is true and without adjustment for negative
# indices.
Py_ssize_t PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE(object o)
# Returns the length of o, assuming that o was returned by
# PySequence_Fast() and that o is not NULL. The size can also be
# gotten by calling PySequence_Size() on o, but
# PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE() is faster because it can assume o is
# a list or tuple.