File size: 10,540 Bytes
3430cbb 6b463ef 22f807c 51e1871 3430cbb d0208b3 3430cbb 6fc2fca 3430cbb 6b463ef 3430cbb 6b463ef 3430cbb 6a029cd 5d61362 6fc2fca 5d61362 d143b74 3430cbb 6fc2fca e789d9b 6fc2fca e789d9b 6b463ef d0208b3 a5dc95f 6b463ef 22f807c bd99eb5 22f807c d143b74 22f807c bd99eb5 22f807c bd99eb5 121b129 ed7bb2a 22f807c ed7bb2a 3430cbb 51e1871 3430cbb 366d3da 3430cbb 366d3da 3430cbb |
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import gradio as gr
import pandas as pd
import redis
import json
import requests
from config import *
import functools
from embedding_setup import retriever, find_similar_occupation, compare_docs_with_context,generate_exp,generate_prompt_exp
from data_process import get_occupations_from_csv, get_courses_from_BA, get_occupation_detial, build_occupation_query
with open('/app/data/redis_data.json', 'r') as file:
data_dict = json.load(file)
#r = redis.Redis(host=REDIS_HOST, port=REDIS_PORT, db=REDIS_DB, decode_responses=True)
skill_details_mapping = {}
# Function to retrieve documents based on selected skills
def retrieve_documents(occupation,skills):
output = []
output.append(f"<div style=\"text-align: center; font-size: 24px;\">Empfehlungsergebnisse:</div>")
oc_uri = occupations.get(occupation, "")
skill_query = ''
candidate_docs = []
if isinstance(oc_uri, int):
df = pd.read_csv("/app/data/berufe_info.csv")
target_occupation = df[df['id'] == oc_uri]
target_occupation_name = target_occupation['short name'].values[0]
target_occupation_dsp = target_occupation['description'].values[0]
target_occupation_query = target_occupation_name + ' ' + target_occupation_dsp
target_occupation_query = target_occupation_query
target_occupation = get_occupation_detial(oc_uri)
target_occupation_name, target_occupation_dsp, target_occupation_query = build_occupation_query(target_occupation)
for german_label in skills:
skill_query += german_label + ' '
ocsk_query = target_occupation_name + ' ' + german_label
skills_docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(ocsk_query)
query = target_occupation_query + ' ' + skill_query
llama_query = 'info:' + target_occupation_name + ' ' + 'Skills gap:' + skill_query
docs = retriever.get_relevant_documents(query)
#remove duplicates
seen_course_ids = set()
candidate_doc_unique = []
for doc in candidate_docs:
course_id = doc.metadata.get('id','')
if course_id not in seen_course_ids:
partial_compare_docs = functools.partial(compare_docs_with_context, target_occupation_name=target_occupation_name, target_occupation_dsp=target_occupation_dsp,skill_gap = skill_query)
sorted_docs = sorted(candidate_doc_unique, key=functools.cmp_to_key(partial_compare_docs), reverse=True)
batch_prompts = []
for doc in sorted_docs[:5]:
doc_name = doc.metadata.get('name', 'Unnamed Document')
doc_skill = doc.metadata.get('skills', '')
input_text = f"target occupation: {llama_query}\n Recommended course: name: {doc_name}, learning objectives: {doc_skill[:2000]}"
prompt = generate_prompt_exp(input_text)
# Evaluate the current batch of prompts
batch_output = generate_exp(batch_prompts)
output.append(f"<b>Zielberuf:</b> {target_occupation_name}")
output.append(f"<b>Qualifikationslücke:</b> {skill_query}")
output.append(f"<b>Empfohlene Kurse:</b>")
for i in range(5):
doc = sorted_docs[i]
doc_name = doc.metadata.get('name', 'Unnamed Document')
doc_url = doc.metadata.get('url', '#')
doc_skill = doc.metadata.get('skills', '')
output.append(f"<a href='{doc_url}' target='_blank'>{doc_name}</a>")
output.append(f"<b>Empfehlungsgrund:</b> {batch_output[i]}")
return "<br>".join(output)
def get_candidate_courses(occupation, skills):
output = []
output.append(f"<div style=\"text-align: center; font-size: 24px;\">Empfehlungsergebnisse:</div>")
df_lookup = pd.read_csv('/app/data/kldb_isco_lookup.csv')
df_berufe = pd.read_csv('/app/data/berufe_info.csv')
occupation_codes = set()
kldB_set = set()
occupation_hrefs = set()
BA_berufe = set()
oc_uri = occupations.get(occupation, "")
target_occupation = get_occupation_detial(oc_uri)
target_occupation_query = build_occupation_query(target_occupation)
for german_label in skills:
skill = skill_details_mapping.get(german_label, {})
uri = f'{skill["uri"]}'
skill_response = requests.get(uri)
skill_json = skill_response.json()
# Combine essential and optional occupations
skill_related_occupations = (skill_json['_links'].get('isEssentialForOccupation', []) +
skill_json['_links'].get('isOptionalForOccupation', []))
for occupation in skill_related_occupations:
href = occupation.get('href')
if href:
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error while fetching skill details: {e}")
for href in occupation_hrefs:
occupation_response = requests.get(href)
occupation_details = occupation_response.json()
code = occupation_details.get('code')
if code:
except requests.RequestException as e:
print(f"Error while fetching occupation details: {e}")
for isco_code in occupation_codes:
kldB_codes = df_lookup[df_lookup['isco08'] == int(isco_code)]['kldb2010'].values
for code in kldB_codes:
dfs = []
for kldb in kldB_set:
berufe = df_berufe[df_berufe['KldB codes']=='B '+kldb]
merged_df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
top_k_berufe = find_similar_occupation(target_occupation_query,merged_df,5,'cosine')
for beruf in top_k_berufe:
entry_requirement = beruf.metadata['entry_requirements']
corrected_json_string = entry_requirement.replace("'", '"')
entry_requirement_json = json.loads(corrected_json_string)
for js in entry_requirement_json:
result = get_courses_from_BA(BA_berufe)
courses = result
for course in courses['_embedded']['termine']:
output.append(f"<a href='{course['angebot']['link']}' target='_blank'>{course['angebot']['titel']}</a>")
return "<br>".join(output)
def get_occupation_skills(oc_uri):
#skills_json = r.get(oc_uri)
skills_json = data_dict.get(oc_uri, None)
skill_labels = []
if skills_json:
skills = json.loads(skills_json)
for skill in skills:
german_label = skill['preferredLabel']['de']
skill_details_mapping[german_label] = skill
return skill_labels
return skill_labels
def get_occupation_skills_BA(oc_uri):
df = pd.read_csv("/app/data/berufe_info.csv")
essential_skills = df[df['id'] == oc_uri]['essential skills'].values
optional_skills = df[df['id'] == oc_uri]['optional skills'].values
combined_skills = essential_skills[0][:-1] + ',' + optional_skills[0][1:]
combined_skills = combined_skills.replace("'", "\"")
skills = json.loads(combined_skills)
skill_labels = []
for skill in skills:
german_label = skill['skill']
skill_details_mapping[german_label] = skill
return skill_labels
# Function to update the skills dropdown
def update_skills(occupation):
oc_uri = occupations.get(occupation, "")
if isinstance(oc_uri, int):
skills = get_occupation_skills_BA(oc_uri)
return gr.Dropdown(skills,label="aktuelle Fähigkeiten", multiselect=True,info='Bitte wählen Sie die Fähigkeiten aus, die Sie derzeit besitzen')
skills = get_occupation_skills(oc_uri)
return gr.Dropdown(skills,label="aktuelle Fähigkeiten", multiselect=True,info='Bitte wählen Sie die Fähigkeiten aus, die Sie derzeit besitzen')
def update_skillgap(occupation, current_skills):
oc_uri = occupations.get(occupation, "")
if isinstance(oc_uri, int):
ocupation_skills = get_occupation_skills_BA(oc_uri)
ocupation_skills = get_occupation_skills(oc_uri)
skill_gap = [skill for skill in ocupation_skills if skill not in current_skills]
return gr.Dropdown(skill_gap, label="Qualifikationslücke", multiselect=True, info='Bitte wählen Sie die Fähigkeiten aus, die Sie lernen möchten.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Load occupations from CSV
occupations_esco = get_occupations_from_csv(CSV_FILE_PATH)
df = pd.read_csv("/app/data/berufe_info.csv")
occupations_BA = df[['short name', 'id']].set_index('short name').to_dict()['id']
occupations = {**occupations_esco, **occupations_BA}
# Gradio interface
with gr.Blocks(title="MyEduLife Kursempfehlungssystem") as demo:
occupation_dropdown = gr.Dropdown(list(occupations.keys()), label="Zielberuf",info='Bitte wählen Sie Ihren Zielberuf aus.')
currentskill_dropdown = gr.Dropdown([],label="aktuelle Fähigkeiten", multiselect=True,info='Bitte wählen Sie die Fähigkeiten aus, die Sie derzeit besitzen')
sb_btn = gr.Button("Absenden")
skillgap_dropdown = gr.Dropdown([],label="Fähigkeiten", multiselect=True,info='Bitte wählen Sie die Fähigkeiten aus, die Sie lernen möchten.')
# Use gr.HTML to display the HTML content
button = gr.Button("Kursempfehlungen")
documents_output = gr.HTML()
occupation_dropdown.change(update_skills, inputs=occupation_dropdown, outputs=currentskill_dropdown)
print('Initialization completed')
demo.launch(server_name="", server_port=7860)