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# my space:
# I tried to use my previous code but with some adaptions to any PDF that contains an abstract
import PyPDF2
from transformers import pipeline
from transformers import SpeechT5Processor, SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech
from datasets import load_dataset
import torch
from transformers import SpeechT5HifiGan
from gradio import gr
import gradio as gr
# Now copying my code and adapting it for any PDF
def extract_abstract(pdf_file_path):
with open(pdf_file_path, 'rb') as pdf_file:
reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(pdf_file)
text = reader.pages[0].extract_text()
# in order to extract the exact part on the first page that is useful to me,
# I needed to consider that the papers follow a pattern in which after the Abstract, there is an Introduction
# and then cut the text right before the introduction
abstract_start_index = text.find('Abstract')
introduction_start_index = text.find('Introduction')
if abstract_start_index == -1 or introduction_start_index == -1:
return "" # Abstract or introduction section not found
abstract = text[abstract_start_index + len('Abstract'):introduction_start_index].strip()
return abstract
return ""
#to be acessed to any pdf
abstract_text = extract_abstract(pdf_file_path)
from transformers import pipeline
summarizer = pipeline("summarization", model="Falconsai/text_summarization")
print(summarizer(abstract_text, max_length=25, min_length=10, do_sample=False))
output = summarizer(abstract_text, max_length=26, min_length=10, do_sample=False)
summary = output[0]['summary_text']
# proceeding to the audio function
def audio(text):
processor = SpeechT5Processor.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts")
model = SpeechT5ForTextToSpeech.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_tts")
inputs = processor(text=summary, return_tensors="pt")
embeddings_dataset = load_dataset("Matthijs/cmu-arctic-xvectors", split="validation")
speaker_embeddings = torch.tensor(embeddings_dataset[7306]["xvector"]).unsqueeze(0)
spectrogram = model.generate_speech(inputs["input_ids"], speaker_embeddings)
vocoder = SpeechT5HifiGan.from_pretrained("microsoft/speecht5_hifigan")
with torch.no_grad():
speech = vocoder(spectrogram)
speech = model.generate_speech(inputs["input_ids"], speaker_embeddings, vocoder=vocoder)
Audio(speech, rate=16000)
# Creating the Gradio app
input_component = gr.File(file_types=["pdf"])
output_component = gr.Audio()
demo = gr.Interface(
title="Reading your abstract summary outloud",
description="Upload a PDF that contains an Abstract. Get your abstract summarized in 1 sentence and read outloud. We only accept with PDfs that contains the section Abstract followed by one called Introduction"
demo.launch() |