Build error
Build error
File size: 9,448 Bytes
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import panel as pn
import xarray as xr
import param
import hvplot.xarray
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
from datatree import open_datatree
from xsadcp import get_range, load_csv, load_bathymetry, load_zarr, load_file, filter_df, filter_data, quiver_depth_filtered, bathy_uship_vship_bottom_depth, corsen_data, vectors_plot, fix_time, transform_netCDF, get_info, get_file_names, open_ds
class SADCP_Viewer(param.Parameterized):
A parameterized class for viewing SADCP data.
This class provides widgets for selecting data parameters, updating data based on selections,
and generating plots to visualize the SADCP data.
Available functions:
- update_name_options: Update dropdown options and slider ranges based on selected years and file.
- update_plots: Update plots based on selected data and parameters.
# Load data and initialize widgets
df = load_csv()
bathy = load_bathymetry()
file_names = df["file_name"].tolist()
years = sorted(df["year"].unique())
# Widgets for selecting data parameters
year_slider = pn.widgets.IntRangeSlider(name="Year Range", start=df["year"].min(), end=df["year"].max())
file_dropdown = pn.widgets.Select(name="File Selector")
longitude_slider = pn.widgets.RangeSlider(name="Longitude Range", start=-180, end=180, step=1)
latitude_slider = pn.widgets.RangeSlider(name="Latitude Range", start=-90, end=90, step=1)
depth_range_slider = pn.widgets.IntRangeSlider(start=100, end=300, value=(100, 300), step=1, name="Depth Range")
depth_2_checkbox = pn.widgets.Checkbox(value=False, name="Depth 2 Checkbox")
depth_3_checkbox = pn.widgets.Checkbox(value=False, name="Depth 3 Checkbox")
depth_2_range_slider = pn.widgets.IntRangeSlider(start=100, end=300, value=(100, 300), step=1, name="Depth 2 Range")
depth_3_range_slider = pn.widgets.IntRangeSlider(start=100, end=300, value=(100, 300), step=1, name="Depth 3 Range")
num_vectors_slider = pn.widgets.IntSlider(start=40, end=800, step=1, value=100, name="Number of Vectors")
scale_factor_slider = pn.widgets.FloatSlider(start=0.1, end=1, step=0.1, value=0.5, name="Scale Factor")
bathy_checkbox = pn.widgets.Checkbox(value=False, name="Bathy Checkbox")
data_table = pn.widgets.Tabulator(width=400, height=200)
metadata_table = pn.widgets.Tabulator(width=600, height=800)
# Download button is not working : TODO
download_button = pn.widgets.Button(name="Download", button_type="primary")
def __init__(self, **params):
Initialize the SADCP_Viewer class.
**params: Additional parameters to be passed to the superclass.
super(SADCP_Viewer, self).__init__(**params)
self.file_dropdown.objects = self.file_names
self.file_dropdown.value = (
self.file_dropdown.objects[0] if self.file_dropdown.objects else None
@param.depends("year_slider.value", "file_dropdown.value", watch=True)
def update_name_options(self):
Update dropdown options and slider ranges based on selected years and file.
This function updates the dropdown options and slider ranges based on the selected years
and file. It also loads the selected file's data and adjusts slider ranges accordingly.
# Extract selected start and end years
start_year, end_year = self.year_slider.value
# Filter DataFrame based on selected years and sort by year
mask = (self.df["year"] >= start_year) & (self.df["year"] <= end_year)
sorted_df = self.df[mask].sort_values(by="year")
# Get unique file names
files = sorted_df["file_name"].unique().tolist()
# Update file dropdown options
self.file_dropdown.options = files
if files:
selected_file = self.file_dropdown.value
# Set default selected file if not selected or not in options
if not selected_file or selected_file not in files:
selected_file = files[0]
self.file_dropdown.value = selected_file
# Update data table and metadata table based on selected file
self.data_table.value, self.metadata_table.value = filter_df(sorted_df, selected_file)
# Load selected file's data
self.ds = load_file(self.tree,selected_file)
# Update slider ranges for longitude, latitude, and depth
for slider, coord in zip([self.longitude_slider, self.latitude_slider, self.depth_range_slider,
self.depth_2_range_slider, self.depth_3_range_slider],
[self.ds.LONGITUDE, self.ds.LATITUDE, self.ds.PROFZ,self.ds.PROFZ,self.ds.PROFZ]):
coord_range = get_range(coord)
slider.start, slider.end, slider.value = coord_range[0], coord_range[1], coord_range
# Close dataset to free up resources
# self.ds.close()
def update_plots(self):
This function updates the plots based on the selected data and parameters.
The function filters the data, generates additional plots, and updates the main vector plot based on the selected parameters.
pn.Row: A Panel row containing the updated map plot and additional plots.
# Filter the data
self.ds_filtered = filter_data(self.ds,self.longitude_slider.value,self.latitude_slider.value)
# Prepare the plots shown in left
# Update vector plots
vector_plot = vectors_plot(self.ds_filtered, self.bathy,
self.longitude_slider.value, self.latitude_slider.value,
self.depth_range_slider.value, self.depth_2_range_slider.value, self.depth_3_range_slider.value,
depth_2_checkbox= self.depth_2_checkbox.value,
depth_3_checkbox= self.depth_3_checkbox.value,
# Generate plots which will be plotted on the left row.
self.plot_left = pn.Column(
# Here adjust the style option later TODO
pn.pane.Matplotlib(vector_plot, dpi=144),
# Add here the hvplot block of contour TODO
# Generate additional plots which will be plotted on the right row.
other_plots = bathy_uship_vship_bottom_depth(self.ds_filtered)
self.plot_right = pn.Column(
*(pn.pane.HoloViews(plot, width=400, height=200) for plot in other_plots),
# Return a Panel row containing the updated map plot and additional plots
return pn.Row(self.plot_left, self.plot_right, sizing_mode="stretch_both")
pn.config.theme = 'dark'
explorer = SADCP_Viewer()
# Instantiate the SADCP_Viewer class and create a template
tabs = pn.Tabs(
("Plots", pn.Column(explorer.update_plots)),
explorer.metadata_table, explorer.download_button, height=500, margin=10
sidebar = [
pn.panel('./EuroGO-SHIP_logo_wide_tagline_1.2.png',width=300 ),
"""This application, developed in the frame of Euro Go Shop, helps to interactively visualise and download ship ADCP data.""",
"""You can consult detailed information on this data in the metadata tab shown on the right.
To download full dataset, please go to
and search with LOCAL_CDI_ID indicated above.""",
#pn.panel('', ),
template = pn.template.FastListTemplate(
title="SADCP data Viewer", logo='',
sidebar=sidebar, main=[tabs]