Runtime error
Runtime error
File size: 5,786 Bytes
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from typing import List, Tuple, Optional
from enum import Enum
class Actions(Enum):
LEFT = "L"
PICKUP = "Pickup"
# Add more actions here if needed
class Board:
def __init__(self, grid: List[str], player_pos: Tuple[int, int],
flag_pos: Tuple[int, int], wall_pos:List[Tuple[int, int]],
key_pos:Optional[Tuple[int, int]]):
self.grid = grid
self.player_pos = player_pos
self.flag_pos = flag_pos
self.wall_pos = wall_pos
self.key_pos = key_pos
def change(action):
if action == Actions.UPRIGHT:
dx, dy = -1, 1
elif action == Actions.UPLEFT:
dx, dy = -1, -1
elif action == Actions.DOWNLEFT:
dx, dy = 1, -1
elif action == Actions.DOWNRIGHT:
dx, dy = 1, 1
elif action == Actions.LEFT:
dx, dy = 0, -2
elif action == Actions.RIGHT:
dx, dy = 0, 2
elif action == Actions.PICKUP:
dx, dy = 0, 0
return dx, dy
def move(self, action: Actions) -> 'Board':
dx, dy = 0, 0
if action == Actions.UPRIGHT:
dx, dy = -1, 1
elif action == Actions.UPLEFT:
dx, dy = -1, -1
elif action == Actions.DOWNLEFT:
dx, dy = 1, -1
elif action == Actions.DOWNRIGHT:
dx, dy = 1, 1
elif action == Actions.LEFT:
dx, dy = 0, -2
elif action == Actions.RIGHT:
dx, dy = 0, 2
elif action == Actions.PICKUP:
dx, dy = 0, 0
if self.player_pos[0] == self.key_pos[0] and self.player_pos[1] == self.key_pos[1]:
return Board(self.grid, self.player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos, None), "pickup"
return self, "nokey"
# Handle other actions here if needed
new_player_pos = (self.player_pos[0] + dx, self.player_pos[1] + dy)
if self.grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] == 'W':
# Can't move through walls
return self, "WALL"
new_grid = [row[:] for row in self.grid] # Create a copy of the grid
new_grid[self.player_pos[0]][self.player_pos[1]] = '.'
new_grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] = '@'
return Board(new_grid, new_player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos, self.key_pos), "Good"
def create_wall(self, pos: Tuple[int, int]) -> 'Board':
if self.grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] in ( '@', 'P'):
# Can't place a wall on top of another object
return self
new_grid = [row[:] for row in self.grid] # Create a copy of the grid
new_grid[pos[0]][pos[1]] = "W"
return Board(new_grid, self.player_pos, self.flag_pos, self.wall_pos + [pos], self.key_pos)
def __str__(self) -> str:
# return '\n'.join((' ' * i %2) + ' '.join(row) for i, row in enumerate(self.grid))
return '\n'.join(''.join(row) for i, row in enumerate(self.grid))
def illegal_moves(self):
for action in Actions:
dx, dy = self.change(action)
new_player_pos = (self.player_pos[0] + dx, self.player_pos[1] + dy)
if new_player_pos[0] < 0 or new_player_pos[0] > self.flag_pos[0]:
#yield action, f"assert not 0 <= {new_player_pos[0]} < {self.flag_pos[0] + 1}"
if new_player_pos[1] < 0 or new_player_pos[1] > self.flag_pos[1]:
#yield action, f"assert not 0 <= {new_player_pos[1]} < {self.flag_pos[0] + 1}"
if action == Actions.PICKUP and not(self.key_pos is not None and self.player_pos[0] == self.key_pos[0] and self.player_pos[1] == self.key_pos[1]):
yield action, f"assert {new_player_pos} != board.key"
if self.grid[new_player_pos[0]][new_player_pos[1]] == 'W':
yield action, f"assert {new_player_pos} in board.walls"
def board_state(self) -> str:
walls = ",".join(map(str, self.wall_pos))
return f"Flag: {self.flag_pos} | Walls (illegal): {walls} | Boundary: {add(self.flag_pos, (1, 1))} | Key: {self.key_pos}"
def board_state2(self) -> str:
walls = ",".join(map(str, self.wall_pos))
return f"init={self.player_pos}, flag={self.flag_pos}, walls= {self.wall_pos}, boundary= {add(self.flag_pos, (1, 1))}, key= {self.key_pos}"
def player_state(self) -> str:
msg = " K" if self.key_pos is None else ""
return f"{self.player_pos}{msg}"
def create_empty_board(cls, size: Tuple[int, int], key_pos, flag_pos, init) -> 'Board':
grid = [['.' if i % 2 == j % 2 else " " for i in range(size[1])] for j in range(size[0])]
player_pos = init
flag_pos = flag_pos
grid[player_pos[0]][player_pos[1]] = '@'
grid[flag_pos[0]][flag_pos[1]] = 'P'
grid[key_pos[0]][key_pos[1]] = 'K'
return cls(grid, player_pos, flag_pos, [], key_pos)
def add(a, b):
return a[0] + b[0], a[1] + b[1]
class GameBoard:
def __init__(self, init, flag, walls, key, boundary):
self.board = Board.create_empty_board(boundary, key, flag, init)
for wall in walls:
self.board = self.board.create_wall(wall)
self.original = self.board
self.actions = []
def move(self, action):
self.board, _ = self.board.move(action)
def walls(self):
return self.board.wall_pos