File size: 17,134 Bytes
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import os
import time
import pandas as pd
from typing import Type
import gradio as gr
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime
import accelerate
today_rev ="%Y%m%d")
from transformers import AutoModel
from torch import cuda, backends, tensor, mm
from search_funcs.helper_functions import read_file
# Check for torch cuda
print("Is CUDA enabled? ", cuda.is_available())
print("Is a CUDA device available on this computer?", backends.cudnn.enabled)
if cuda.is_available():
torch_device = "cuda"
torch_device = "cpu"
print("Device used is: ", torch_device)
#from search_funcs.helper_functions import get_file_path_end
PandasDataFrame = Type[pd.DataFrame]
# Load embeddings
# Pinning a Jina revision for security purposes:
# Save Jina model locally as described here:
embeddings_name = "jinaai/jina-embeddings-v2-small-en"
local_embeddings_location = "model/jina/"
revision_choice = "b811f03af3d4d7ea72a7c25c802b21fc675a5d99"
embeddings_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(local_embeddings_location, revision = revision_choice, trust_remote_code=True,local_files_only=True, device_map="auto")
embeddings_model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(embeddings_name, revision = revision_choice, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto")
# Chroma support is currently deprecated
# Import Chroma and instantiate a client. The default Chroma client is ephemeral, meaning it will not save to disk.
#import chromadb
#from chromadb.config import Settings
#from typing_extensions import Protocol
#from chromadb import Documents, EmbeddingFunction, Embeddings
# Remove Chroma database file. If it exists as it can cause issues
#chromadb_file = "chroma.sqlite3"
#if os.path.isfile(chromadb_file):
# os.remove(chromadb_file)
def get_file_path_end(file_path):
# First, get the basename of the file (e.g., "example.txt" from "/path/to/example.txt")
basename = os.path.basename(file_path)
# Then, split the basename and its extension and return only the basename without the extension
filename_without_extension, _ = os.path.splitext(basename)
return filename_without_extension
def load_embeddings(embeddings_name = embeddings_name):
Load embeddings model and create a global variable based on it.
# Import Chroma and instantiate a client. The default Chroma client is ephemeral, meaning it will not save to disk.
embeddings_func = AutoModel.from_pretrained(embeddings_name, trust_remote_code=True, device_map="auto")
global embeddings
embeddings = embeddings_func
return embeddings
def docs_to_jina_embed_np_array(docs_out, in_file, return_intermediate_files = "No", embeddings_super_compress = "No", embeddings = embeddings_model, progress=gr.Progress()):
Takes a Langchain document class and saves it into a Chroma sqlite file.
print(f"> Total split documents: {len(docs_out)}")
page_contents = [doc.page_content for doc in docs_out]
## Load in pre-embedded file if exists
file_list = [ for string in in_file]
embeddings_file_names = [string for string in file_list if "embedding" in string]
data_file_names = [string for string in file_list if "tokenised" not in string]
data_file_name = data_file_names[0]
data_file_name_no_ext = get_file_path_end(data_file_name)
out_message = "Document processing complete. Ready to search."
if embeddings_file_names:
print("Loading embeddings from file.")
embeddings_out = np.load(embeddings_file_names[0])['arr_0']
# If embedding files have 'super_compress' in the title, they have been multiplied by 100 before save
if "super_compress" in embeddings_file_names[0]:
embeddings_out /= 100
# print("embeddings loaded: ", embeddings_out)
if not embeddings_file_names:
tic = time.perf_counter()
print("Starting to embed documents.")
#embeddings_list = []
#for page in progress.tqdm(page_contents, desc = "Preparing search index", unit = "rows"):
# embeddings_list.append(embeddings.encode(sentences=page, max_length=1024).tolist())
embeddings_out = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents, max_length=1024, show_progress_bar = True, batch_size = 32) # For Jina embeddings
#embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents, normalize_embeddings=True).tolist() # For BGE embeddings
#embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents).tolist() # For minilm
toc = time.perf_counter()
time_out = f"The embedding took {toc - tic:0.1f} seconds"
# If you want to save your files for next time
if return_intermediate_files == "Yes":
if embeddings_super_compress == "No":
semantic_search_file_name = data_file_name_no_ext + '_' + 'semantic_search_embeddings.npz'
np.savez_compressed(semantic_search_file_name, embeddings_out)
semantic_search_file_name = data_file_name_no_ext + '_' + 'semantic_search_embeddings_super_compress.npz'
embeddings_out_round = np.round(embeddings_out, 3)
embeddings_out_round *= 100 # Rounding not currently used
np.savez_compressed(semantic_search_file_name, embeddings_out_round)
return out_message, embeddings_out, semantic_search_file_name
return out_message, embeddings_out, None
return out_message, embeddings_out, None#, None
def process_data_from_scores_df(df_docs, in_join_file, out_passages, vec_score_cut_off, vec_weight, orig_df_col, in_join_column, search_df_join_column):
def create_docs_keep_from_df(df):
dict_out = {'ids' : [df['ids']],
'documents': [df['documents']],
'metadatas': [df['metadatas']],
'distances': [round(df['distances'].astype(float), 4)],
'embeddings': None
return dict_out
# Prepare the DataFrame by transposing
#df_docs = df#.apply(lambda x: x.explode()).reset_index(drop=True)
# Keep only documents with a certain score
docs_scores = df_docs["distances"] #.astype(float)
# Only keep sources that are sufficiently relevant (i.e. similarity search score below threshold below)
score_more_limit = df_docs.loc[docs_scores > vec_score_cut_off, :]
#docs_keep = create_docs_keep_from_df(score_more_limit) #list(compress(docs, score_more_limit))
if score_more_limit.empty:
return pd.DataFrame()
# Only keep sources that are at least 100 characters long
docs_len = score_more_limit["documents"].str.len() >= 100
length_more_limit = score_more_limit.loc[docs_len == True, :] #pd.Series(docs_len) >= 100
#docs_keep = create_docs_keep_from_df(length_more_limit) #list(compress(docs_keep, length_more_limit))
if length_more_limit.empty:
return pd.DataFrame()
length_more_limit['ids'] = length_more_limit['ids'].astype(int)
#length_more_limit.to_csv("length_more_limit.csv", index = None)
# Explode the 'metadatas' dictionary into separate columns
df_metadata_expanded = length_more_limit['metadatas'].apply(pd.Series)
# Concatenate the original DataFrame with the expanded metadata DataFrame
results_df_out = pd.concat([length_more_limit.drop('metadatas', axis=1), df_metadata_expanded], axis=1)
results_df_out = results_df_out.rename(columns={"documents":orig_df_col})
results_df_out = results_df_out.drop(["page_section", "row", "source", "id"], axis=1, errors="ignore")
results_df_out['distances'] = round(results_df_out['distances'].astype(float), 3)
# Join back to original df
# results_df_out = orig_df.merge(length_more_limit[['ids', 'distances']], left_index = True, right_on = "ids", how="inner").sort_values("distances")
# Join on additional files
if in_join_file:
join_filename =
# Import data
join_df = read_file(join_filename)
join_df[in_join_column] = join_df[in_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True)
# Duplicates dropped so as not to expand out dataframe
join_df = join_df.drop_duplicates(in_join_column)
results_df_out[search_df_join_column] = results_df_out[search_df_join_column].astype(str).str.replace("\.0$","", regex=True)
results_df_out = results_df_out.merge(join_df,left_on=search_df_join_column, right_on=in_join_column, how="left").drop(in_join_column, axis=1)
return results_df_out
def jina_simple_retrieval(new_question_kworded:str, vectorstore, docs, orig_df_col:str, k_val:int, out_passages:int,
vec_score_cut_off:float, vec_weight:float, in_join_file = None, in_join_column = None, search_df_join_column = None, device = torch_device, embeddings = embeddings_model, progress=gr.Progress()): # ,vectorstore, embeddings
# print("vectorstore loaded: ", vectorstore)
# Convert it to a PyTorch tensor and transfer to GPU
vectorstore_tensor = tensor(vectorstore).to(device)
# Load the sentence transformer model and move it to GPU
embeddings =
# Encode the query using the sentence transformer and convert to a PyTorch tensor
query = embeddings.encode(new_question_kworded)
query_tensor = tensor(query).to(device)
if query_tensor.dim() == 1:
query_tensor = query_tensor.unsqueeze(0) # Reshape to 2D with one row
# Normalize the query tensor and vectorstore tensor
query_norm = query_tensor / query_tensor.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
vectorstore_norm = vectorstore_tensor / vectorstore_tensor.norm(dim=1, keepdim=True)
# Calculate cosine similarities (batch processing)
cosine_similarities = mm(query_norm, vectorstore_norm.T)
# Flatten the tensor to a 1D array
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarities.flatten()
# Convert to a NumPy array if it's still a PyTorch tensor
cosine_similarities = cosine_similarities.cpu().numpy()
# Create a Pandas Series
cosine_similarities_series = pd.Series(cosine_similarities)
# Pull out relevent info from docs
page_contents = [doc.page_content for doc in docs]
page_meta = [doc.metadata for doc in docs]
ids_range = range(0,len(page_contents))
ids = [str(element) for element in ids_range]
df_docs = pd.DataFrame(data={"ids": ids,
"documents": page_contents,
"distances":cosine_similarities_series}).sort_values("distances", ascending=False).iloc[0:k_val,:]
results_df_out = process_data_from_scores_df(df_docs, in_join_file, out_passages, vec_score_cut_off, vec_weight, orig_df_col, in_join_column, search_df_join_column)
# If nothing found, return error message
if results_df_out.empty:
return 'No result found!', None
results_df_name = "semantic_search_result_" + today_rev + ".csv"
results_df_out.to_csv(results_df_name, index= None)
results_first_text = results_df_out.iloc[0, 1]
return results_first_text, results_df_name
# Deprecated Chroma functions - kept just in case needed in future.
def docs_to_chroma_save_deprecated(docs_out, embeddings = embeddings_model, progress=gr.Progress()):
Takes a Langchain document class and saves it into a Chroma sqlite file. Not currently used.
print(f"> Total split documents: {len(docs_out)}")
page_contents = [doc.page_content for doc in docs_out]
page_meta = [doc.metadata for doc in docs_out]
ids_range = range(0,len(page_contents))
ids = [str(element) for element in ids_range]
tic = time.perf_counter()
#embeddings_list = []
#for page in progress.tqdm(page_contents, desc = "Preparing search index", unit = "rows"):
# embeddings_list.append(embeddings.encode(sentences=page, max_length=1024).tolist())
embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents, max_length=256, show_progress_bar = True, batch_size = 32).tolist() # For Jina embeddings
#embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents, normalize_embeddings=True).tolist() # For BGE embeddings
#embeddings_list = embeddings.encode(sentences=page_contents).tolist() # For minilm
toc = time.perf_counter()
time_out = f"The embedding took {toc - tic:0.1f} seconds"
# Jina tiny
# This takes about 300 seconds for 240,000 records = 800 / second, 1024 max length
# For 50k records:
# 61 seconds at 1024 max length
# 55 seconds at 512 max length
# 43 seconds at 256 max length
# 31 seconds at 128 max length
# The embedding took 1372.5 seconds at 256 max length for 655,020 case notes
# BGE small
# 96 seconds for 50k records at 512 length
# all-MiniLM-L6-v2
# 42.5 seconds at (256?) max length
# paraphrase-MiniLM-L3-v2
# 22 seconds for 128 max length
chroma_tic = time.perf_counter()
# Create a new Chroma collection to store the documents and metadata. We don't need to specify an embedding fuction, and the default will be used.
client = chromadb.PersistentClient(path="./last_year", settings=Settings(
print("Deleting existing collection.")
#collection = client.get_collection(name="my_collection")
print("Creating new collection.")
collection = client.create_collection(name="my_collection")
print("Creating new collection.")
collection = client.create_collection(name="my_collection")
# Match batch size is about 40,000, so add that amount in a loop
def create_batch_ranges(in_list, batch_size=40000):
total_rows = len(in_list)
ranges = []
for start in range(0, total_rows, batch_size):
end = min(start + batch_size, total_rows)
ranges.append(range(start, end))
return ranges
batch_ranges = create_batch_ranges(embeddings_list)
for row_range in progress.tqdm(batch_ranges, desc = "Creating vector database", unit = "batches of 40,000 rows"):
documents = page_contents[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]],
embeddings = embeddings_list[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]],
metadatas = page_meta[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]],
ids = ids[row_range[0]:row_range[-1]])
# print(collection.count())
#chatf.vectorstore = vectorstore_func
chroma_toc = time.perf_counter()
chroma_time_out = f"Loading to Chroma db took {chroma_toc - chroma_tic:0.1f} seconds"
out_message = "Document processing complete"
return out_message, collection
def chroma_retrieval_deprecated(new_question_kworded:str, vectorstore, docs, orig_df_col:str, k_val:int, out_passages:int,
vec_score_cut_off:float, vec_weight:float, in_join_file = None, in_join_column = None, search_df_join_column = None, embeddings = embeddings_model): # ,vectorstore, embeddings
query = embeddings.encode(new_question_kworded).tolist()
docs = vectorstore.query(
n_results= k_val # No practical limit on number of responses returned
#where={"metadata_field": "is_equal_to_this"},
df_docs = pd.DataFrame(data={'ids': docs['ids'][0],
'documents': docs['documents'][0],
#'embeddings': docs['embeddings']
results_df_out = process_data_from_scores_df(df_docs, in_join_file, out_passages, vec_score_cut_off, vec_weight, orig_df_col, in_join_column, search_df_join_column)
results_df_name = "semantic_search_result.csv"
results_df_out.to_csv(results_df_name, index= None)
results_first_text = results_df_out[orig_df_col].iloc[0]
return results_first_text, results_df_name