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from lime.lime_text import LimeTextExplainer
from nltk.tokenize import sent_tokenize
from predictors import predict_for_explainanility
def explainer(text, model_type):
def predictor_wrapper(text):
return predict_for_explainanility(text=text, model_type=model_type)
class_names = ["negative", "positive"]
explainer_ = LimeTextExplainer(
class_names=class_names, split_expression=sent_tokenize
sentences = [sent for sent in sent_tokenize(text)]
num_sentences = len(sentences)
exp = explainer_.explain_instance(
text, predictor_wrapper, num_features=num_sentences, num_samples=500
weights_mapping = exp.as_map()[1]
sentences_weights = {sentence: 0 for sentence in sentences}
for idx, weight in weights_mapping:
if 0 <= idx < len(sentences):
sentences_weights[sentences[idx]] = weight
print(sentences_weights, model_type)
return sentences_weights, exp
def analyze_and_highlight(text, model_type):
highlighted_text = ""
sentences_weights, _ = explainer(text, model_type)
positive_weights = [weight for weight in sentences_weights.values() if weight >= 0]
negative_weights = [weight for weight in sentences_weights.values() if weight < 0]
smoothing_factor = 0.001 # we do this cos to avoid all white colors
min_positive_weight = min(positive_weights) if positive_weights else 0
max_positive_weight = max(positive_weights) if positive_weights else 0
min_negative_weight = min(negative_weights) if negative_weights else 0
max_negative_weight = max(negative_weights) if negative_weights else 0
max_positive_weight += smoothing_factor
min_negative_weight -= smoothing_factor
for sentence, weight in sentences_weights.items():
sentence = sentence.strip()
if not sentence:
if weight >= 0 and max_positive_weight != min_positive_weight:
normalized_weight = (weight - min_positive_weight + smoothing_factor) / (
max_positive_weight - min_positive_weight
color = f"rgb(255, {int(255 * (1 - normalized_weight))}, {int(255 * (1 - normalized_weight))})"
elif weight < 0 and min_negative_weight != max_negative_weight:
normalized_weight = (weight - max_negative_weight - smoothing_factor) / (
min_negative_weight - max_negative_weight
color = f"rgb({int(255 * (1 - normalized_weight))}, 255, {int(255 * (1 - normalized_weight))})"
color = "rgb(255, 255, 255)" # when no range
highlighted_sentence = (
f'<span style="background-color: {color}; color: black;">{sentence}</span> '
highlighted_text += highlighted_sentence
return highlighted_text