File size: 3,931 Bytes
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import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
import time
# Global variables
H = 200
ROWS = 6
# Step 1: Fetch the Images from the URL Folder
def fetch_image_urls(url):
response = requests.get(url + '?t=' + str(time.time()))
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser')
images = {}
for node in soup.find_all('a'):
href = node.get('href')
if href.endswith(('.png', '.jpg', '.jpeg')):
image_index = int(href.split('__')[0])
images[image_index] = url + '/' + href + '?t=' + str(time.time())
except ValueError:
print(f"Skipping invalid image: {href}")
return images
# Step 2: Resize Images to Height H
def fetch_image(url):
response = requests.get(url)
def resize_images(images, target_height):
resized_images = {}
for index, img in images.items():
ratio = target_height / img.height
new_width = int(img.width * ratio)
resized_img = img.resize((new_width, target_height), Image.BICUBIC)
resized_images[index] = resized_img
return resized_images
# Step 3: Create a Collage with Efficient Placement Algorithm
def create_collage(image_urls, collage_path, H, ROWS, PADDING):
images = {index: fetch_image(url) for index, url in image_urls.items()}
resized_images = resize_images(images, H) # Resize to H pixels height
center_image = resized_images.pop(0)
other_images = list(resized_images.items())
# Calculate collage size based on the number of rows
collage_width = 3000 # 16:9 aspect ratio width
collage_height = (H + PADDING) * ROWS + 2 * PADDING # Adjust height based on number of rows, add padding to top and bottom
collage ='RGB', (collage_width, collage_height), (255, 255, 255))
# Sort images by width and height
sorted_images = sorted(other_images, key=lambda x: x[1].width * x[1].height, reverse=True)
# Create alternate placement list and insert the center image in the middle
alternate_images = []
i, j = 0, len(sorted_images) - 1
halfway_point = (len(sorted_images) + 1) // 2
count = 0
while i <= j:
if count == halfway_point:
alternate_images.append((0, center_image))
if i == j:
i += 1
j -= 1
count += 2
# Calculate number of images per row
images_per_row = len(alternate_images) // ROWS
extra_images = len(alternate_images) % ROWS
# Place images in rows with only padding space between them
def place_images_in_rows(images, collage, max_width, padding, row_height, rows, images_per_row, extra_images):
y = padding
for current_row in range(rows):
row_images_count = images_per_row + (1 if extra_images > 0 else 0)
extra_images -= 1 if extra_images > 0 else 0
row_images = images[:row_images_count]
row_width = sum(img.width for idx, img in row_images) + padding * (row_images_count - 1)
x = (max_width - row_width) // 2
for idx, img in row_images:
collage.paste(img, (x, y))
x += img.width + padding
y += row_height + padding
images = images[row_images_count:]
place_images_in_rows(alternate_images, collage, collage_width, PADDING, H, ROWS, images_per_row, extra_images)
# Define the URL folder and other constants
url_folder = ''
collage_path = 'img/collage.jpg'
# Fetch, Create, and Update
image_urls = fetch_image_urls(url_folder)
create_collage(image_urls, collage_path, H, ROWS, PADDING)