convbot /
Update convbot-demo.ipynb
# convbot
[![tests](]([![python](]([![Code style: black](]([![License: MIT](]([![PyPI version](](
A conversational bot based on huggingface transformers
Try it out [![Open convbot-demo.ipynb In Colab](](
## Install it
pip install convbot
# or poetry add convbot
# pip install git+htts://
# poetry add git+htts://
# To upgrade
pip install convbot -U
# or poetry add convbot@latest
## Use it
from convbot import convbot
prin(convertbot("How are you?"))
# I am good # or along that line
The async version `aconvbot`, potentially for `fastapi` or `Nonebot` plugins and such, is rather artificial since it's based on `ThreadPoolExecutor`. Hence it's not intended for production. You probably should not spawn too many instances.
from convbot import aconvbot
async def afunc(text):
resp = await aconvbot(text)
python -m convbot
2021-07-24 03:11:19.748518: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library
Bot: Talk to me (type quit to exit)
You: How are you?
Bot: I'm good, you?
You: pretty good. how is the weather there?
Bot: It's pretty cold.
You: really?
Bot: I don't have a heat source.
## Colab testrun `convbot-demo.ipynb`
[![Open convbot-demo.ipynb In Colab](](
## Not tested in Windows 10 and Mac
The module uses pytorch that is installed differently in Windows than in Linux. To run `convbot` in Windows or Mac, you may give it a spin by cloning the repo (git clone []( and installing pytorch manually.