convbot /
Update convbot-demo.ipynb


testspythonCode style: blackLicense: MITPyPI version

A conversational bot based on huggingface transformers

Try it out Open convbot-demo.ipynb In Colab

Install it

pip install convbot
# or poetry add convbot
# pip install git+htts://
# poetry add git+htts://

# To upgrade
pip install convbot -U
# or poetry add convbot@latest

Use it

from convbot import convbot

prin(convertbot("How are you?"))
# I am good  # or along that line

The async version aconvbot, potentially for fastapi or Nonebot plugins and such, is rather artificial since it's based on ThreadPoolExecutor. Hence it's not intended for production. You probably should not spawn too many instances.

from convbot import aconvbot

async def afunc(text):
    resp = await aconvbot(text)


python -m convbot
2021-07-24 03:11:19.748518: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library
Bot: Talk to me (type quit to exit)
You: How are you?
Bot:  I'm good, you?
You: pretty good. how is the weather there?
Bot:  It's pretty cold.
You: really?
Bot:  I don't have a heat source.

Colab testrun convbot-demo.ipynb

Open convbot-demo.ipynb In Colab

Not tested in Windows 10 and Mac

The module uses pytorch that is installed differently in Windows than in Linux. To run convbot in Windows or Mac, you may give it a spin by cloning the repo (git clone and installing pytorch manually.